Performance Review Time!

Mike Sage
5 min readJan 17, 2024
image: Jas Min Unsplash


This is what goes through my mind when it’s performance review time. I not only need to complete my own review, but also reviews for everyone on my team as well. How can I ensure that everyone gets a fair and accurate assessment that is valuable to them? Well…here for your enjoyment, is my method:

Step 1 — Data Gathering

What evidence do we have regarding performance? I believe it’s important to start here rather than opinion based questioning so that the data can better influence the opinion segment (and yes, there will be an opinion segment). Keep in mind that there will almost always be two types of data to gather: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative — Any empirical data regarding performance

Qualitative — Any performance data that is (generally) more opinion based

I like to think of it this way: quantitative data could be projects completed, individual velocity, documentation produced, etc. Qualitative data is more like the five star rating you give a product on Amazon. Very opinion based, but still valuable information. In our case, this is what team members and…



Mike Sage

I've been in the software industry for 30+ years as a passionate Engineering Manager, Software Engineer, Scrum Master, and Project Manager.