Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail and How You Can Succeed

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Labyrinth: From Focus to Fulfillment

Mike Vasery
3 min readSep 28, 2023
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Ever tried juggling? I did, once. Started with three balls, then four, and before I knew it, they were all over the floor. That’s what it feels like diving into business without focus. You’re juggling ideas, hoping one doesn’t drop, but they all do. Here’s the thing: in business, as in juggling, starting simple can lead to mastery.

The Magic of Single-minded Focus

I’ve seen bright-eyed entrepreneurs, brimming with ideas, ready to take on the world. But here’s the kicker: they spread themselves too thin. They’re everywhere but nowhere. The trick? Laser-focused attention on ONE idea. Dive deep, give it your all, and watch it flourish. Once that’s solid, then think expansion. Think of it as building a skyscraper. You don’t start with the 50th floor. You start with a solid foundation.

Traits That Aren’t Just Buzzwords

We’ve all heard it — “Believe in yourself.” Sounds cliché, right? But strip it back, and there’s truth there. When you’re charting unknown territories, that belief is your map. But here’s where many go wrong: they think self-belief is static. It’s not. It evolves. As challenges mount, resilience takes the front seat. It’s the gritty, “get-back-up” spirit that defines legends. And let’s not forget humility. Ever had a eureka moment, only to realize it wasn’t so groundbreaking? That’s where humility steps in, nudging you to pivot, adapt, and grow.

Rubbing Shoulders with the Big Guns

Ever tried getting hold of someone influential? It’s like trying to get a backstage pass to a sold-out concert. But what if I told you there’s a way? It’s not about crafty subject lines or name-dropping. It’s psychology. Understand what makes them tick. Offer value, be it insights, collaboration, or a fresh perspective. And always, always be genuine. No one likes a phony.

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Are You On Track or Chasing Shadows?

Here’s a truth bomb: passion without progress is just a hobby. Love what you do, but also track your growth. Small wins, feedback, user engagement — these aren’t just metrics; they’re signposts, telling you you’re on the right path. And if they’re missing? Time for a pit stop and a rethink.

The Fuel That Drives You

I’ve had days when the alarm goes off, and all I want is five more minutes. But then I remember my WHY. That burning purpose that gets me out of bed, rain or shine. Find yours. It could be impact, innovation, or the simple joy of collaboration. But find it, and let it drive you.

Cold Calls or Warm Connections?

Digital age, they said. Everything’s online, they said. But here’s a secret: the art of connection is still very much alive. Cold outreach? Think of it as the first step to a warm connection. Be real, offer value, and always, always build relationships.

In the grand tapestry of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get lost. But with focus, resilience, and genuine connections, not only will you find your way, but you’ll also leave a trail for others to follow. Remember, it’s not about the destination but the journey. And what a journey it promises to be!

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Mike Vasery

Dreamer | Fighter | Writer | Just want to change the typical lifestyle