Setting Up Virtual Cameras in Unity

Michael Lam
2 min readDec 1, 2023


To add cinemachine to my Unity package was to go to the package manager and download the cinemachine package. This added both Cinemachine and Timeline programs into my assets but I’m mostly focused on cinemachine for now.

After adding a cube, capsule, and plane for references, I added a virtual camera into my scene from the cinemachine section when I right click in the hierarchy.

A few important aspects of the virtual camera are the Priority, Follow, and Look At options.

Priority: Determines which virtual camera has control over the main camera. The highest priority camera has control. If all virtual camera has the same priority, a random virtual camera will be selected for the main camera.

Follow: When tied to a game object, the virtual camera will match the transform of the game object. If the game object is moved, the camera will follow (makes sense!).

Look At: When tied to a game object, the virtual camera will make the game object be at the center of the camera. If the game object is moved, the virtual camera will rotate to continue to look at the object (makes sense!).

