Great way to launch your own AirDrop

Mike Faber
4 min readSep 4, 2018


Token airdrop is a great way to increase the number of your project supporters. If a lot of people are holding your token they will become more involved in your project, learn about it and maybe even contribute to it.

OK, so giving away some of the tokens is great, but how do we approach to solve this task?

There’s always an option to transfer tokens to each user on the Ethereum blockchain, but it may become costly if you consider giving away tokens to hundreds or thousands of users. Each ERC-20 token transfer will cost you from $0.10 to $1. Thus we are talking about hundreds or even thousands of US dollars in expenses just to pay for the gas. Is there a better way to distribute tokens? Fortunately, there is! airdrops

Distributing your tokens with airdrops is free, easy and don’t require you to develop any token distributing software. Listing your token on is also free and easy, just follow these 2 steps:

1. Verify your tokens smart contract code on

2. Drop us a message in einax telegram group with an link to your tokens smart contract address

Trying out einax airdrops

You don’t need to list your token on to be able to test if our airdrop feature is right for you. Each new account registered on is provided with free 100 Welcome Tokens that you can use to test out airdrops and vouchers.

1. Create a new account at

2. Upon logging in you will notice that your account has 100WT credited to it.

3. Head to Airdrops Section: There you will see an option to create a new airdrop. Click on it

4. Choose a token you want to distribute via airdrop. For the purpose of this tutorial we will choose Welcome Token

5. Once you click on Welcome Tokens row you will be brought to airdrop creation page where you can specify airdrop budget, number of recipients or amount per recipient (specify one and the other will be calculated automatically). You may also set your airdrop to be redeemed only by phone verified users so you don’t have to worry about someone registering a thousand accounts to receive airdrop shares multiple times.

6. Once you’re happy with airdrop settings you may hit the CREATE AIRDROP button to finally create your airdrop. You will see your newly created airdrop on the airdrops page

7. Now you can start distributing your airdrop to users. A user will only be able to redeem an airdrop is he/she knows airdrop ID. You can find airdrop ID by clicking on the airdrop card. For the airdrop I created for this guide the airdrop ID is: 3671097 8174346–107781.

Now copy your airdrop ID and send it to any user that you want to redeem a share off your airdrop. You may publish it on a website, social media, forums etc.

How to redeem a share off einax powered airdrop

Any registered user will be able to redeem this airdrop. If you restricted your airdrop to phone verified users only it will be redeemable only by users who confirmed their phone number via SMS code. For a user to redeem an airdrop he/she must log into their account and the first thing they’ll see upon logging in is the voucher/airdrop redemption form

Simply paste airdrop ID there and hit REDEEM button. Thats it!

You can go ahead and redeem an airdrop that I’ve created for this tutorial: 3671097 8174346–107781 (you will have to verify your phone though).

Happy airdropping!

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