Creative Overview — VIDEO

Some samples of my video work…

Mike Kolker
5 min readJan 27, 2014

Here is a brief tour of some videos I’ve done over the years.

Jenn & Bill — A Love Story

There was no question about who would entertain at my sister and brother-in-law’s wedding…Audioscenery would be there and ready to make the night unforgettable. That said, I wanted to make the event REALLY special so I tried something new. The video below was created with them, for them (and their guests), and was played after dinner and before the dance began.

Editor’s Notes:

When I create things like this I like to use a combination of slide shows created in Animoto, some still images, and some live video. This video is a little lengthy so I’ll break it down in case you want to skip around a bit.

  • 0:00 — 7:05 | Setting it up…

Intro images, a couple of Animoto videos featuring photos of just the bride and groom (separately) from birth to present — showing some of their favorite images from childhood, teenage, and early adult years.

  • 7:05 | The interviews…

The first of many “interview style” segments that help tell their story. This part features both of them, however, later in the video there are clips of just the bride or just the groom talking about their soon to be spouse.

  • 10:30 | Still shots coming to life…

I tagged along during their engagement photo shoot and took some video. This is one of the parts where I make still photos “come to life” when I pair them with some video taken during the shoot. These moments served as great transitions as their story unfolded.

  • 10:45 — 13:37 | Photos of the happy couple…

This is one final Animoto slide show featuring photos of them together.

  • 13:38 — 15:57 | An interview segment featuring the bride and groom…

They talk about dating and how their relationship has unfolded.

  • 16:00 — 17:22 | Some heartfelt thoughts from the couple…

Jenn and Bill separately talk about how they knew they each found “the one”.

  • 17:22 — 18:35 | The proposal…

Transition photos followed by some individual interviews about the proposal.

  • 18:35 — 20:52 | The “Getting to know you…” segment…

Another fun photo/video transition followed by entertaining interviews about what it looks like to learn about the person you are in love with.

  • 21:10 — 22:34 | Final thoughts…

Grab the tissues.

  • 22:39 | A message to their families…
  • 23:25 — 24:19 | A mushy closing…
  • 24:20 — End | Out-takes…

Anyone who knows Jenn and Bill know that they are REALLY fun, light-hearted, and silly. Overall, the video captures their sentimental side — but we HAD to include their hilarious bloopers, “B-Roll” commentary, laughs, and share some of the fun we had while filming this short movie.

Jenn and Bill

A Surprise Video

Anna, the daughter of a good friend, graduated from high school a couple of years ago. Originally, Anna thought the movie for her graduation party was going to consist of a few photos — but little did she know, her parents and I had another plan. I interviewed her mom and dad separately and their sentiments were added to the finished product for everyone at her party to watch. She was surprised, she cried, and she loved the video.

This example also shows the use of Animoto slide shows paired with still shots and some live interviews to tell the story of Anna.


A Video Blog Post

For a couple of years I was the curator of a blog titled “Up at 5am”. One of my favorite posts included a short video I made after a very difficult weekend. Below I’ve included the post and the video.

Finding My Patience

January 17 2011, 4:54 AM by Mike Kolker

This post was originally designed to only be a “video post” but I just need to set it all up a bit so it makes more sense. Please understand these are not complaints…just brutal honesty.

Last week was very difficult for us. Six out of seven days three out of four of us ended up getting different versions of the notorious FLU. We are still at a point where not everyone is operating at 100% but we keep pushing forward. Everyone except Baby Max experienced all or most of the things that accompany being super sick: vomiting, diarrhea, aches, chills, fever, etc. This of course lead to some sleep loss, more laundry than we’ve ever done in a week and moments that my wife and I have never seen as parents. It was scary, frustrating and overwhelming. There were several times I just wanted to be Scott Bakula’s character on the show Quantum Leap and just transfer on to my next assignment. Things were so bad I actually had to send a replacement to entertain at a wedding for me for the first time ever. Yes…it was THAT bad.

It’s no surprise that we were all tired, stressed, behind on projects and household chores and we all just needed a break. Sunday night I finally cracked and lost my temper. It is important for everyone to know that I never resort to physical violence but I ended up yelling in frustration because I just couldn’t take it anymore. These are the moments I am not proud of. Losing patience is a flaw I believe all of us have but it’s something I really struggle with sometimes. I had a moment of weakness. I work very hard every day to be a loving husband and devoted father and when I lose it I just end up being the “difficult roommate”. Needless to say I needed to refocus so after dinner I hung out with Jake while my wife took the baby and he and I assembled puzzles. Then, I got an idea…the time I spent with him along with this video project was my penance. I hope you enjoy it.

650 views and 2 responses

Jan 19 2011, 6:55 AM

Kate responded:

I finally had a chance to watch this! Love it! Such a good metaphor for life…..and love the thumbs up at the end. He was so proud. I’m sure you were too.

Jan 20 2011, 5:42 PM

Johnna responded:

I just watched this video as I saw that you posted it off of a comment that Ashley posted. It really put things into perspective for me. I’ve been struggling a lot lately and I’m glad I came across this. Perfect timing in my life. Thank you for being the creative genius that you are as I know many more people could probably relate to this.

Some EARLY Work

(Audioscenery promo videos)…

Your Wedding Day

A promo video to give prospective clients an overview of what it looks like to work with Audioscenery. Photos and video compliments of Matt Paddack.

Becky & Andy

This is my very first attempt at assembling a promo video for Audioscenery. It was created very quickly during one of those entrepreneural “oh shit” moments.

Approximately after a year of being in business for myself, a client asked, “Do you have a website?” My response, “It will be ready on Monday.”

I assembled this video, put together some specifics about Audioscenery, let the client know when it was live…and ultimately booked the big show (a holiday party for UNMC).

“Whew”…TGFM (Thank God for Macs).

