AI Simplified: Exploring the Basics of Zero-Shot, One-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning

Mike Onslow
3 min readDec 9, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our digital world, and its learning techniques are pivotal in its evolution. As AI enthusiasts and professionals, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of Zero-Shot, One-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning. These approaches are at the forefront of making AI models more adaptable and efficient, especially when dealing with limited data.

What Are Zero-Shot, One-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning?

These learning techniques enable machine learning models to predict new classes with minimal labeled data. Their application varies based on the problem and the availability of labeled data.

Zero-Shot Learning: This technique is used when no labeled data is available for new classes. Models, especially large language models like ChatGPT, rely on their existing knowledge and semantic similarities to make predictions.

Here’s a Zero-Shot example in ChatGPT:

Without providing examples or context, ChatGPT is expected to infer all necessary information.

One-Shot Learning: This involves using a single labeled example for each new class. The model learns to make predictions for these classes based on this lone example. In the case below, we provide ChatGPT a “Job Description Template” file as an example (Yes✅ , ChatGPT can read in files!).

Side Note: We are also instructing ChatGPT to search the web to get a relevant salary for the position.

Few-Shot Learning: Here, a handful of labeled examples are available for each new class. The model learns to generalize from these few examples.

Here’s a Few-Shot Example using ChatGPT 4:

We provide a few examples and ChatGPT fills in then blanks!

Approaches to Zero-Shot, One-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning

Implementing these techniques involves various methodologies:

  • Attribute-Based Approaches: Models use attribute relationships to generalize knowledge to new classes. For instance, in wildlife classification, attributes like ‘stripes’ or ‘fins’ help generalize new animal classes.
  • Embedding-Based Approaches: Models infer information about new classes based on their proximity to known classes in an embedding space. This is common in recommendation systems that suggest products similar to those previously bought.
  • Generative Approaches: These involve creating synthetic examples for unseen categories, like generating synthetic images of rare animals for species classification.
  • Metric-Based Models: Develop a similarity metric to predict new classes, such as in medical imaging where rare diseases are identified based on similarities to known conditions.
  • Neural Network-Based Models: Using CNNs or RNNs, these models correlate input data with class predictions, a technique used in predictive text input.
  • Transfer Learning-Based Models: Pre-trained on vast data, these models are fine-tuned for specific tasks like using a general language model to perform legal document analysis.

The Importance in Real-World Scenarios

The real world often lacks the luxury of large, labeled datasets for every possible class. Zero-Shot, One-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning enable AI models to adapt to new classes with limited or no additional data. This adaptability is not only efficient but also cost-effective, reducing the need for extensive data labeling.

In conclusion, understanding Zero-Shot, One-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning is essential for anyone venturing into AI. These techniques not only enhance the flexibility and scalability of AI models but also represent a significant step towards more intelligent and adaptable AI systems. As AI continues to evolve, these learning methods will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping its future.

Are you interested in a follow-up article providing more examples of how these techniques can be directly used in ChatGPT? Let me know in the comments!



Mike Onslow

Director of Technology at Clarity Voice. Writing about AI, ML, Deep Learning, and finding solutions for growth.