Optimizing ChatGPT Parameters for Different Use Cases

Mike Onslow
5 min readMay 21, 2023


Harnessing AI for Practical Application and Personalized Content

ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, offers a wide range of parameters that can be fine-tuned to enhance its performance for specific tasks. In this blog post, we will explore the some combinations of parameters optimized for various scenarios, including writing technical blog posts, designing workout routines, crafting thrilling horror stories, composing job descriptions, and creating architecture documents. By understanding and utilizing the right parameter sets, we can leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to achieve remarkable results.

IMPORTANT: OpenAI is constantly changing what their ChatGPT interface allows for as far as setting parameters for a conversation. At current, they don’t seem to allow for pre-setting the tone of the entire conversation, just the current prompt.

This means that (at current) you’ll need to set the parameter’s during each prompt, this is still incredibly valuable.

Alright, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get started!

Case 1: Suggested Combination for a Technical Blog Post Parameters:

  • temperature: 0.7
  • max_length: 600
  • top_p: 0.9
  • frequency_penalty: 0.0
  • presence_penalty: 0.0
  • stop_sequence: “\n\n”

Explanation: When writing a technical blog post, we aim to maintain a balance between informative content and engaging writing. Setting the temperature to 0.7 ensures diversity in the generated text, preventing it from becoming too repetitive. A max length of 600 allows for comprehensive explanations without overwhelming the reader. By using a high top p value of 0.9, we encourage the model to consider a wide range of possibilities when generating content. A frequency penalty of 0.0 allows the model to repeat important technical terms, and a presence penalty of 0.0 ensures that the output remains coherent. Finally, the stop sequence “\n\n” adds structure to the generated text, making it easier to organize the blog post.

Case 2: Suggested Combination for Designing a Workout Routine


  • temperature: 0.5
  • max_length: 200
  • top_p: 1.0
  • frequency_penalty: 0.3
  • presence_penalty: 0.0
  • stop_sequence: “\n\n”

Explanation: When creating a workout routine, clarity and concise instructions are essential. A lower temperature of 0.5 helps reduce randomness in the responses, ensuring consistent and practical recommendations. Setting the max length to 200 restricts the generated text to brief and actionable workout plans. By using a top p value of 1.0, we allow the model to consider all possibilities equally, providing more diversity in the generated routines. Applying a frequency penalty of 0.3 encourages the model to avoid repetition, which is crucial for workout instructions. The absence of presence penalty prevents the responses from sounding unnatural, promoting coherent and human-like output. Finally, the stop sequence “\n\n” maintains organization and structure in the generated workout routine.

Case 3: Suggested Combination for Writing a Thrilling Horror Story


  • temperature: 0.8
  • max_length: 500
  • top_p: 0.7
  • frequency_penalty: 0.2
  • presence_penalty: 0.5
  • stop_sequence: “\n\n”

Explanation: To create a captivating horror story, we need a balance of suspense, surprise, and coherent narrative. Setting the temperature to 0.8 introduces a level of randomness, making the story unpredictable and eerie. A max length of 500 allows for adequate development of the plot without losing the reader’s attention. By using a lower top p value of 0.7, we guide the model to consider the most probable choices, adding more coherence to the generated story. Applying a frequency penalty of 0.2 discourages excessive repetition of scary elements, while a presence penalty of 0.5 ensures the generated story maintains a natural flow and avoids robotic-sounding sentences. Finally, the stop sequence “\n\n” separates different sections or paragraphs, enabling a structured and engaging narrative.

Case 4: Suggested Combination for Writing a Job Description


  • temperature: 0.7
  • max_length: 400
  • top_p: 0.9
  • frequency_penalty: 0.5
  • presence_penalty: 0.2
  • stop_sequence: “\n\n”

Explanation: When crafting a job description, clarity, accuracy, and coherence are key. A temperature of 0.7 provides a good balance between generating novel descriptions and maintaining consistency. A max length of 400 ensures concise and informative job postings. By using a top p value of 0.9, the model explores a wide range of possibilities, offering more diverse and creative descriptions. Applying a frequency penalty of 0.5 prevents repetitive language, which is crucial in job descriptions. A presence penalty of 0.2 ensures the output reads naturally and avoids sounding overly robotic. Finally, the stop sequence “\n\n” allows for structured formatting, making the job description easy to read and comprehend.

Case 5: Suggested Combination for Designing an Architecture Document


  • temperature: 0.6
  • max_length: 800
  • top_p: 0.8
  • frequency_penalty: 0.2
  • presence_penalty: 0.3
  • stop_sequence: “\n\n”

Explanation: Creating an architecture document requires a fine balance between providing technical details and maintaining clarity. A temperature of 0.6 reduces randomness while allowing for some variation in the generated content. A max length of 800 enables comprehensive explanations of the architecture. By using a top p value of 0.8, the model considers a narrower range of possibilities, promoting coherent and consistent descriptions. Applying a frequency penalty of 0.2 discourages repetition of technical terms while maintaining their importance. A presence penalty of 0.3 ensures the output feels natural and avoids excessive robotic phrasing. Finally, the stop sequence “\n\n” helps structure the document into sections and subsections, facilitating readability and organization.

By adjusting ChatGPT’s parameters to suit different use cases, we can optimize the generated output for specific tasks. Whether it’s writing technical blog posts, designing workout routines, crafting thrilling horror stories, composing job descriptions, or creating architecture documents, understanding the impact of each parameter and finding the right combination allows us to harness the full potential of ChatGPT. Remember to experiment, iterate, and fine-tune the parameters based on your desired outcomes, always striving to strike a balance between creativity, coherence, and practicality.



Mike Onslow

Director of Technology at Clarity Voice. Writing about AI, ML, Deep Learning, and finding solutions for growth.