DRIP — Mikey’s crypto journey to retirement with DRIP —5 months in and making $14,650 per month

Mikey A.
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2022


After investing $900 five months ago our investment has grown to $48,840!

Credit: Unsplash

And we’re back! It’s a new year, and time to do another update on our progress in the DRIP department. But first, let’s talk about how the market is doing overall.

The Crypto Market vs. DRIP

The market right now according to Nomics

Everything is tanking. It’s real hair-on-fire.

Now let’s check in with DRIP

But everything in DRIP land is going really smoothly. Let’s see how that price looks on the DRIP swap page.

When I bought at $20 and the price was going slowly down to $5, I did not see this coming!

So where are we?

Let’s take a look at our dashboard.

That’s us right there. We started off with $900 in our Deposits after tax. We started off with no team. We were just hydrating every day and writing some articles here and there.

However, five months in and here we are! We have $48,840.64 in our deposits with the current price appreciation in DRIP. That means that every day we can pull out $400.49 ($48,840.64 x 0.01 x 0.82) of my DRIP deposit and that’s after DRIP tax (see below about DRIP taxes).

We even beat our last month’s prediction of 464 DRIP and we now have 511 DRIP.

I plan to hydrate for the next month, so by next month we should have around 688 DRIP making my deposits around $65,600. This would make me $537.92 per day if I claimed every day after DRIP tax ($65,600 x 0.01 x 0.82).

My story is not an unattainable one

I’m not a DRIP superstar. I’m just a guy who has been writing articles and doing some YouTube videos. I belong to a great DRIP team. This story could be yours just as it could be anybody else’s.

In fact, you might even be reading this story and be making more than me right now. Or maybe this story is something you’ll look back in the future when you’ve gone way beyond what I have.

If you think turning a $900 deposit into a $48,000 deposit is impossible, I thought so too. But here you are and here I am. So then it’s not impossible, and I’m here to tell you the story.

I can’t give you financial advice, but I do want to say this. It doesn’t hurt to try. Team Cryptozoa can help you on this journey. So consider it and find out below how to join.

Either way, enjoy the ride we are on together. Because it has been quite an adventure and it looks like nobody is pumping the brakes any time soon. And soon we’ll all retire on a beach.

Except for me. I still hate beaches.

Until next time

I hope you found this helpful, and I do hope you’ll check in every now and again to see how the journey is going.

I also hope you’ll consider investing in DRIP. I have more details about that below. If you do invest, I also encourage you to join with the Cryptozoa team. The team is a wealth of knowledge and filled with helpful people.

If this is for you, I’d love to be your Buddy. I would be committed to answering your questions, and making sure you get the most out of your DRIP investment. And if you want downlines, my goal would be to help position you to achieve this. Just being a part of the Cryptozoa group alone will already put you in a good position for this.

If you liked this article, follow me on Medium and subscribe to get e-mail updates.

Q: What is DRIP tax?

As I mentioned earlier, one part of DRIP’s sustainability mechanisms is “taxes.” I do not mean the taxes you pay to the government. DRIP takes 10% tax on withdrawing, selling, transferring, airdropping, and swapping. 5% tax is also levied on recompounds (called “hydrates”). For more information and detail on this, please see my super long article covering taxes at length.

Notably, DRIP taxes are not absorbed by one individual, but held in a vault to pay out the interest and rewards. This is one of the many things that makes DRIP sustainable.

How to get started with DRIP

  1. Go to https://drip.community/fountain, and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  2. Go to the Faucet, and enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding the Cryptozoa team member Mikey’s address for your Buddy: 0x24a9DBE26b537c666D71A2c8aA9B9633462F85Cc
  3. Deposit at least 1.12 DRIP (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)

You’re set up on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily! But, do come back regularly to hit that hydrate/recompound button!

Need help getting started? Join the Cryptozoa Telegram group (https://t.me/joinchat/PbTulqLoCmAzZmQx) and tell them that Mikey sent you.

DRIP Lightpaper https://www.docdroid.net/0i3RJTu/drip-lightpaper-pdf

DRIP Contract https://bscscan.com/token/0x20f663cea80face82acdfa3aae6862d246ce0333

Buy BR34P: https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa86d305A36cDB815af991834B46aD3d7FbB38523

NOTE: The amount Deposited is not withdrawable. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/recompounded, or claimed.

Important: This article is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. Do your own research when it comes to any cryptocurrency coin, including DRIP. As a rule of thumb, I only invest what I am willing to lose.

