Our Value as Americans

Mike Broihier
3 min readMar 30, 2020


This week, we turn the page on one of the most challenging months in American history.

The coronavirus pandemic has cast a feeling of uncertainty over our country, with over 120,000 cases of the virus confirmed by the CDC and millions struggling with the economic impacts of a nation under quarantine.

This struggle is not over. In fact, it’s about to get harder. As we look to April, we must acknowledge what many of us are already in fear of.

Many of us have bills to pay this week.

At a time when our federal government has already been slow to respond, they have opted for a means-tested relief effort that will continue a trend of delayed support.

Mortgages, rent, utilities, car payments, and loans are piling up on the American people, adding economic pressure after many of us have already been knocked down.

Meanwhile, the cash stipends appropriated to us by the CARE Act have only begun the process of matching up each American adult with their tax returns. It won’t come soon enough.

Experts are saying that they won’t be here until mid to late May. That’s at least two bill cycles away, in a country where most of us couldn’t afford an unexpected $500 expense to begin with.

Now, I may not be a US Senator yet, but I prefer action over words — and there is something I can do.

I am eager to announce that we will be issuing an emergency Universal Basic Income to a Kentucky family, in order to illustrate the kind of swift relief that can come from putting money directly into the hands of citizens.

Our reality is this: we need folks to stay at home if they aren’t doing a job that is essential to keeping the lights on in this country.

We can’t be forcing workers to make a decision between staying safe at home or risking infection for a paycheck. An emergency Universal Basic Income would empower people to pick the safer option and stay home.

I look forward to outpacing the federal government in providing relief to a Kentucky family who desperately needs it. I wish it could be for us all.

If you agree with this vision of guaranteeing the dignity of all Americans, in times of crisis and times of prosperity, I need you to join me.

We all know our worth — but it’s not always matched with dollars. Let’s change that.

To do this, we need a movement. Sign up to volunteer with us while safely practicing social distancing. You can text, make phone calls, and amplify our message online by going to MikeForKY.com/signup.

If you can, we need you to donate at MikeForKY.com/donate. Your contribution can be the difference between whether or not we can reach enough voters in Kentucky to win this primary. I know that we can do it with your support.

I hope you’re safe. I hope you’re healthy. Take the time to check in with family, friends, and neighbors.

Thank a healthcare worker, a store clerk, a trucker. Their dedication to keeping American families secure is vital in these times.

Never forget that our value as Americans comes from our enduring spirit. It’s what keeps us moving forward in times of darkness and what propels us forward to take on the greatest challenges of our time.

Ever Forward,

Lt Col Mike Broihier



Mike Broihier

Farmer. Teacher. Retired Marine LtCol. Running for U.S. Senate to defeat Mitch McConnell.