A Hope and Prayer for My Future Child

The Overthinker
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Dear child,

I hope that I can love you enough

To make up for

Roommates who eat your food without asking

And computers that shut down without warning

And storms that can wipe out an entire city

Without blinking

And fires that can leave an entire countryside

Covered in ash and half-melted picture frames

I hope I can love you enough to

Make up for

The day when you’ll wake up

To the news of another school shooting

Or terrorist attack

And instead of the familiar drop in your stomach

The expected sting of surprised tears

Your first thought will be hollow:

Not another one.

And you’ll dread the flood of

Opinion pieces and

Facebook statuses and the

Eerie silence after all the talking when

Nothing has actually changed

I hope I can love you enough to balance out

The pain of your first pet’s death

And the glass shards of mental illness

Woven into your DNA

The dark, yawning pits of depression

With sides so smooth you feel like you’ll

Never climb out

I hope that I can love you enough to make up for

Those times when you feel like you have to fake a laugh

And for those late hours in bed

When you’re staring at the ceiling

And wondering

Is this all there is?

I hope that I can

Love you enough to make up for

The time you’ll forget your friend’s birthday

And the moment

When you first realize that you are a liar

Or that you were cruel

When you could have been kind

I hope I can love you enough that

When old age comes for you

And you are lying in a bed filled with memories and goodbyes

You will look into your past

And know

I was loved.

