Repost from 2017: Opportunity to Write a Unique (to the English language) Surrealist NovelI originally wrote this 4 years ago. Reread it and still looks relevant, so reposting.Dec 25, 2021Dec 25, 2021
Published inSiPhox BlogThe Fast and the Podcast [The Official SiPhox Podcast Episode 3 Part 1: Team Spotlight — Jordan…This blog post is a combination of the story of the SiPhox 3-day fast and part 1 of my interview with Jordan Cobb, Bioengineering Intern…Sep 24, 2021Sep 24, 2021
Published inSiPhox BlogSiPhox 2020 retrospectiveby Michael Dubrovsky and Diedrik VermeulenJan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Adventures in Experimental Philosophy (Quarantine Edition)Right as COVID-19 quietly started to grow exponentially in America, I boarded a flight to San Diego. I wore an N95 mask the whole way out…Apr 15, 2020Apr 15, 2020
Plant Control Systems: The Adaptive Value of Seemingly Pointless CircumnutationCunningham’s Law states:Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Building a Crude UV-C Mask/PPE/IPad/Phone Disinfection Chamber (1 hour, $30, minimal tools) Part…Links to Parts 1 and 2Apr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020
Building a Crude UV-C Mask/PPE Disinfection Chamber (1 hour, $30, minimal tools) PART 2: Door…This is Part 2, adding some features to the original build:Mar 24, 20203Mar 24, 20203
Building a Crude UV-C Mask/PPE/IPad/Phone Disinfection Chamber (1 hour, $30, minimal tools) Part 1UPDATE: Some additional resources:Mar 21, 20203Mar 21, 20203
Published inPoWx BlogBitcoin, Despite All its Problems, is Revolutionizing Property RightsBitcoin is slow, expensive, complicated and volatile. So what makes it valuable?Oct 19, 2019Oct 19, 2019
Published inPoWx BlogPoWx Update: Closer to Implementation + Download our LitepaperAfter a lot of hard work, we are almost ready to announce our plans for the first public implementation of oPoW! Stay tuned for a separate…Oct 4, 20191Oct 4, 20191