Love on Both Sides: A Screenplay Divided Into Parts (Part Four)

Mike C. Wilson
3 min readAug 6, 2019


For PART THREE, click HERE. To start at the beginning with PART ONE, click HERE.



Hotbox montage. Sam Waters enjoys a blunt session with his buddies, JONATHAN SIMMS and DONNIE JONES.


Lisa is driving Kenzie home. Some cheesy Radio Disney/Kids Bop type music plays quietly.

KENZIE: “I’ve been thinkin’ Lisa.”

LISA: “Oh yeah, about what Kenzie?”

KENZIE: “If I have white privilege and can’t do nothin’ about it then does that mean that Earl has Black privilege?”

LISA: “Um no Kenzie, there’s no such thing as Black privilege and you can actually do good things with your white privilege if you put your mind to it!”

KENZIE: “Like what?”

LISA: “Well…..”

Cue “The Israelites” by Desmond Dekker


The residence of Kenzie’s parents.

There is a knock on the door. Kenzie’s mother HELENA is in the kitchen making something. She goes to the door to open it.

KENZIE: “Hi mommy!”

HELENA: “Hi there sweetie! (gives Kenzie a hug and kiss then turns to Lisa). Did she behave herself today?”

LISA: “Well there was a little quarrel with another kid at the pool…”

KENZIE: “We have white privilege mommy, but we can use it for good!”

Helena’s face is clearly saying “what the hell?”

LISA: (before Helena can say anything) “I can explain this.”

HELENA: “I would imagine so.”

KENZIE: “Mommy, can I let Doby go outside?”

HELENA: “Sure things sweetie.”

Kenzie runs off upstairs.

LISA: “I actually think what happened today could be a crucial learning point for Kenzie.”

HELENA: “What the hell happened today?”

LISA: “Well, there was a little quarrel between Kenzie and another kid at the pool as I said, there with this little Black boy….”

HELENA: “What the hell do you think you’re doing talking to her about that?”

LISA: “Well Helena, if you’ll just let me explain…”

HELENA: “What the hell do you think you’re doing confusing my daughter with all that race talk? She doesn’t understand any of that.”

LISA: “Well yeah right now, no. But with the culture we live in, I think it’s pretty important that Kenzie…”

HELENA: (makes condescending uh-huh sound) “No she doesn’t need that now. Save that for when she goes to college and comes home with a member of the international student’s organization or something.”

LISA: “Helena, I’m not trying to ruin Kenzie’s childhood I just think it’s important that she begins to understand how the world works.”

HELENA: “Oh don’t give me that. Here (digs in her purse and holds out some money), take your damn money and get the hell out of here. I don’t want you watching my daughter anymore.”

Lisa grabs the money and leaves the house.


Lisa walks to her car, visibly distraught at what just took place.

She gets in the car and puts on a funky/soulful tune and subtly moves along to the beat. After a few moments, she starts the car and takes off.


Part Four will be up this Friday. Next week I’ll go back to putting up a part of Love on Both Sides on Wednesdays and Fridays.

I would like to take a brief moment to give my deepest thoughts and condolences to all those who lost loved ones the past weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. (Slight trigger warning) The news of the mass shootings from the past weekend has left me emotionally and mentally drained, which is why today’s entry is so short. If you haven’t already, I hope anyone reading this can take a moment to seriously reflect on what must truly be done to prevent these tragic mass shootings from happening. White supremacy is an everyday threat to every person of color in America and across the world. This is the truth and I just felt compelled to write this because I know I can’t be alone in my feelings.

-Mike C. Wilson



Mike C. Wilson

Young, hungry, cinephile, NBA fan, former bookworm (still one at heart), Hip-Hop & music lover, comedy head. Most of my articles on here are about movies