Love on Both Sides: A Screenplay in Parts (Part Two)

Mike C. Wilson
6 min readJul 19, 2019


Previously on Love on Both Sides: We received our first introduction to “New Millennium Sports!” a local Indiana sports program lead by CAMLIN ARTHUR and his co-anchors: JANISE WELLS and BLANE SHARPTON.

A particular edition of the show spiraled out of control when Blane Sharpton got into a heated argument with Cody White, an all-star basketball recruit from North Tech, who plans on attending UCLA.

Blane strongly accused Cody of defacing an old photo of his which captured one of his proudest moments: a mid-range step-back, game-winning jumper against his high school rival North Tech (Blane played for North City).

New Millennium Sports is the sports program where our protagonist SAM WATERS works as a cameraman.

If you missed Part One click here.

A still image from one of my favorite films: Terry Gilliam’s The Fisher King (1991), starring the late Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges, distributed by TriStar pictures.


EXT: Park

LISA RASHAAD, a 23 year old Black woman with curly, “nappy-ish” hair wearing jeans and a nice blouse sits on a park bench smoking a blunt with SAM WATERS. They are having a casual conversation

SAM WATERS is also 23, rocking a mini-afro and is wearing Adidas sweatpants and an Indiana Pacers t-shirt.

LISA RASHAAD: “And they allow him to act like that on the show?

SAM WATERS: “Well they gave him a warning this time, but they didn’t make a big deal out of it because it boosted the ratings.

LISA: “No shit?”

SAM: “Yeah, sports “fans” (uses quotation signs) eat that shit up these days.

LISA: “I guess so, my dad watches First Take every morning and every time I watch it with him they’re just yelling at each other.”

SAM: “Fuck First Take. I can’t stand that show.”

LISA: (voice imitation) “The Golden State Warriors are an atrocity to the sport of basketball!”

Sam laughs

LISA: “By the way, my parents want you over for dinner this weekend.”

SAM: “Okay. Cool.”

LISA: “My mom will cook up her world-renowned cheesy potato soup, my dad’s cooking up some fried chicken.”

SAM: “That sounds FLAME right now.”

LISA: (passing blunt to Sam, it’s near-roach point now) “I’m good on this.”

Sam takes the blunt and hits it.

SAM: “My fam wants to meet you too.”

LISA: “Oh so you finally told your dad?”

SAM: “Yeah, he’s gonna ask you a lot of questions. Be ready” (tosses blunt)

LISA: “I think I’m gonna need boot camp training first.”

Sam laughs.



Jazzy music plays as the background music for this scene.

Sam’s mother, FRANCINE WATERS sits on the couch intently watching the TV screen. Sam’s brother, NEIL WATERS sits on the other couch, fiddling around on his cell phone.

FRANCINE “FRANNY” WATERS is 45 years old. NEIL “NELLY” WATERS is 16 years old.

FRANCINE WATERS (eyes widen): “Ooh Neil, Neil.

NEIL WATERS (annoyed): “What mom?”

FRANCINE WATERS: “You need to be paying attention to this.”

NEIL WATERS: “Mom, I don’t wanna watch this depressing sh-stuff.”

Francine turns up the volume on the TV.

FRANCINE: “Neil, inform yourself.”

NEIL: “Fine.” (puts phone down)

FEMALE NEWS REPORTER (Off-Screen): “Anthony James was standing in this corner right here minding his own business when 2 young Black males who have yet to be found shot him — in the head.”

NEIL: “Mom!”

FRANCINE: “Shut the hell up!”

MORGUE GUY ON T.V. (Off-Screen): “It’s very tragic, we identified the locations of where the 2 bullets were and if they had been just 3 inches to the left he would have lived albeit with severe brain damage for the rest of his life.”

NEIL: “Yesh!”

FRANCINE: “Be respectful Neil! C’mon, don’t act like I didn’t raise you! You gotta know what’s out there so you don’t end up dead in a ditch somewhere.”

NEIL: (slightly muttering) “I ain’t no white girl, so I probably won’t even make the 4am show.”

FRANCINE: “Neil. You know I just want you to be safe.”

Neil makes an “alright have it your way” gesture.

NEIL: “Yes mom.”

MALE REPORTER (Off-Screen): “And just in another breaking news report — Mallory Wilson, 21 year old college student at the local community college went out to celebrate her best friend’s birthday with drinks — and sadly, never made it back home.”

Neil looks pretty depressed upon hearing this news.

BEST FRIEND OF MALLORY WILSON (Off-Screen): (voice cracking) “She just…had so much life ahead of her and it just breaks my heart to think —

Sam walks into the house.

FRANCIS: “Hi, Samuel!”

SAM: “Hey mom. ‘sup Nelly.”

As mentioned above, “Nelly,” is Neil’s nickname.

NEIL: “What’s goin’ on big bro.”

Sam walks into the living room, looks at the TV, and immediately begins looking distressed.

SAM: “Hey mom, the Pacers-Blazers game is on tonight. You care if I change the channel?”

FRANCIS: “Sure, right after the news goes off.”

SAM: “Cool. I’m goin’ over Lisa’s folks house for dinner this weekend.”

FRANCIS: “Cool. Have fun, you tell her she’s invited over here for dinner anytime?

SAM: “Sure did, she just gotta work some time out in her schedule.”

NEIL: “Big bro, I gotta tell you about this movie I saw — you probably wanna watch it too, bout this crazy ass psychologist.”

SAM: “Neil. Just because Lisa’s pops is a psychologist don’t mean that he’s gonna give me a psychiatric evaluation when I come over — how many times do I gotta tell you that?”

NEIL: “Nah bro, this movie was based on a true story where this psychologist can’t ever settle down and have a family cause he over-analyzes every girl he meets.”

SAM: “Uh-huh. What was it called.”

Chris Hemsworth in Bad Times at the El Royale (2018), distributed by 20th Century Fox

NEIL: “I can’t remember, but it had Chris Hemsworth in it — he was the dude. He ends up adopting this kid right and he tries to turn him into the man he always wanted to be, but here’s the catch — he ends up killing the kid once the kid grows up and brings home this girl that reminds him of his alcoholic mother. He killed the girl too man. It was freaky.”

SAM: “Well sh-jeez. This was based on a true story?”

NEIL: “Well it said it was inspired by true events.”

SAM: “So based on that logic, do you think The Conjuring was a real story too?

FRANCIS: “Sam! Quit patronizing your brother damn it.”

NEIL: “Yes bro that crap was real.”

FRANCIS: “Here (hands Sam the remote), I’m done watching TV, you can turn to the game now.”

SAM: “Thanks mom.”

Sam changes the channel and plops down onto the couch where Francis was sitting as she leaves the room.

NEIL: “Analysis of a Bachelor!”

SAM: “Huh?”

NEIL: “That’s what the movie was called.”


Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read Part Two of Love on Both Sides. The comments section is open for feedback and Part Three will be up on Wednesday.

Have a blessed weekend.

-Mike C. Wilson

Film distributed by Warner Bros (1985).

For Part Three, CLICK HERE



Mike C. Wilson

Young, hungry, cinephile, NBA fan, former bookworm (still one at heart), Hip-Hop & music lover, comedy head. Most of my articles on here are about movies