Life Without A Corpus Callosum

Mike Eggert
2 min readAug 7, 2022


A fun fact about me: I was born without a corpus callosum.

For those of you that do not know, the corpus callosum is a bundle of nerve fibers located in the middle of the brain that allows for communication between the two hemispheres. It allows the two hemispheres to communicate motor, sensory and cognitive information between each other. Seems quite important right!

The science behind the corpus callosum is crazy to think about. For example, people who suffer from epilepsy will sometimes have their corpus callosum surgically removed to prevent the reoccurence of seizures. Having the corpus callosum removed prevents the brain from transmitting seizure signals between the two hemispheres.

To this day, I am still amazed by how I am able to function without something that seems so crucial for the body and mind to function. I have excelled in my academics and other aspects of my life. Somehow, the two hemispheres in my brain developed other ways to communicate. I like to think of it as having somewhat of a wireless brain. My brain uses WiFi instead of ethernet haha.

The fact that the human body is able to function normally without a corpus callosum is astounding. This goes to show you how special the human body really is. I am fortunate to not have developed any negative side effects as a result of agenesis of the corpus callosum (the official scientific phrase).

I guess I truly have to thank my mom for doing a hell of a job while she was pregnant with me. Whatever she did helped nurture my development.

Life without a corpus callosum has been a great. Sure, there are times when I wonder what life would be like if I had one. However, I am glad that I was born without one because it has shown me that I am capable of overcoming even the toughest challenges.

