Mike Wainwright, Race Car Driver

Michael Herz
2 min readSep 21, 2019


At 46 years old, Mike Wainwright is a veteran race car driver who has been racing for eight and a half years now. With over twenty races, Mike has yet to win more than one race and is constantly struggling to maintain a good performance. He is above the median age for who he is racing against. Could age be a factor that Mike is finding he is fighting against while driving?

His car, a Porsche 911 RSR, is a budget racing car with medium performance capability. His enemy is his car and his ally is knowing the fastest lines on the race track. His overall performance rate is showing a negative trend and placings with each race. In 2019, his point score now is 1380.66 which was much lower than when he first started.

Mike Wainwright has admitted that because he spends more time on family, this puts him at major disadvantage compared to other drivers, who have more time for test runs. Whether or not Gulf Racing can help find him someone that takes daily charge of fine tuning and performance tests, is still unclear. His lack of attention and lack of preparation before the race are factors he is fighting against.

Gulf Racing, the group that Mike formed with a close friend, was specifically meant for drivers and those who know racing. He hopes to help change racing with Gulf Racing’s hopeful idealist views.

Not to be confused with the original Gulf Racing team, Mike’s Gulf Racing group of drivers started in 2011 in order to qualify for Le Mans. Since 2011, he has kept it going and tries to employ a “everyone is like family” feeling, but that doesn’t seem to be working if his wish is to win a championship.

The fact that Mike hasn’t devoted 100% to racing since having a family, is perhaps proof enough as to why this is less of a career choice now and more so a hobby.

After admitting to not getting in as much testing and fine tuning as he would like, perhaps Mike should consider handing the wheel over — but still be a part of Gulf Racing as it’s owner.

If it is indeed his goal to win races and not just to be on the track, he needs to put more time into the company and finding the right deals, or find someone else who can do it so that they can help secure a win.

