Unveiling the Struggles Faced by Black VTubers in the Toxic Anime Community

Ayce Slater
6 min readJun 9, 2023



The world of anime is renowned for its passionate and inclusive community, but beneath the surface lies a harsh reality for black individuals trying to establish themselves as VTubers. This blog delves into the distressing issue of parasocial toxic anime fans and their detrimental impact on black VTubers. Through a series of online incidents and heartfelt quotes, we shed light on the challenges faced by black individuals within the anime community and address the need for change.

The Plight of Black VTubers:

  • Recent online incidents have triggered a wave of black VTubers to leave the craft due to the relentless harassment they face. The hate speech and racial slurs directed at them, including the usage of the N-word with the hard R, create an extremely hostile environment. Moreover, the false narrative that black people demand the anime scene catered exclusively to them perpetuates the exclusionary attitudes that make it difficult for black VTubers to thrive.
  • Voices from the Community:

The quotes provided by individuals directly impacted by this issue emphasize the feeling of exclusion experienced by black individuals in the anime world. The sentiment expressed — that being black in any space, including the kpop, anime, cosplay, and VTuber communities, feels impossible — highlights the depth of frustration and marginalization they endure.

  • “It really feels like you can’t be black in any space. You can’t be black in the kpop community, You can’t be black in the anime community, You can’t be black in the cosplay community, You can’t be black in the VTuber community.”
  • - “All of these racist comments have one thing in common, and it’s Asia/weeb pop culture. If you leave that bubble, there’s definitely more places for inclusion, but within it, yeah, black people have it rough. Black cosplayers, especially, rest in peace.”
  • - “As a black person who is a fan of all four of these things, it’s something new every day. If it’s not the content creators/providers themselves, it’s the endless racist prattling from the fanbases. I enjoy being a fan of Asian media, but it’s like we aren’t welcomed anywhere.”
  • Confronting Racism and Toxicity:

The presence of racism within the anime community demands immediate attention. By acknowledging the toxic behavior and discriminatory attitudes, we can work towards creating a more welcoming environment for all enthusiasts. Content creators, anime conventions, and community leaders need to actively condemn racism, promote inclusivity, and foster safe spaces that encourage diversity and acceptance.

  • This VTUBER is Puerto Rican and faced massive community backlash
  • Empowering Black Cosplayers and Fans:

Black cosplayers, who contribute their creative talents to bring beloved anime characters to life, face similar challenges. The racist comments and dismissive attitudes they encounter overshadow the joy and freedom of expression they seek within the cosplay community. Supporting and amplifying the voices of black cosplayers and fans is vital to dismantling the barriers they face.

  • The Rise of Black VTubers and Online Incidents:
  • Over the past years, we have witnessed a surge in the number of black VTubers, individuals who utilize virtual avatars to engage with their audience. Unfortunately, this increase has been accompanied by a series of distressing online incidents. Black VTubers have been subjected to hate speech, racial slurs, and toxic behavior, pushing many to abandon their dreams due to the relentless negativity they face.
  • The Power of Parasocial Relationships:

Parasocial relationships occur when viewers develop a one-sided emotional connection with content creators. While these relationships can be positive, they can also become toxic when fans exhibit possessiveness, entitlement, and harmful behavior. Some fans may develop unreasonable expectations of content creators and lash out when those expectations aren’t met, particularly targeting black VTubers.

  • The Role of Racism in the Anime Community:

Unfortunately, racism is not absent within the anime community. The examples provided by black individuals reveal the systemic prejudice they encounter across various facets of the community, including kpop, cosplay, and VTubing. The feeling of exclusion and unwelcomeness is a painful reality for many black anime enthusiasts.

  • Impact on Black Cosplayers and Fans:

Black cosplayers, who bring beloved anime characters to life through their creative talents, have also been subjected to racism and discrimination. The joy and freedom of expression they seek within the cosplay community are often overshadowed by the racist comments and dismissive attitudes they encounter. This alienation hampers their ability to fully enjoy and contribute to the community they love.

  • Many anime companies have been criticized for their low representation of POC, both within their staff and in the characters they create. The absence of diverse voices in the creative process can perpetuate stereotypes, limit perspectives, and contribute to a lack of authentic representation on screen. It is crucial for anime companies to recognize the value of diversity and actively seek to include underrepresented voices in their workforce.

Skin Tone Sliders and the Power of Customization:

  • Character creation tools in anime often lack the option to adjust skin tones, limiting the range of representation for POC viewers and creators. Skin tone sliders can empower individuals to create characters that reflect their own identities and experiences, fostering a stronger connection to the media they consume. Implementing such sliders not only promotes inclusivity but also acknowledges the diverse audience that supports anime.

Recognizing the Humanity of POC:

  • The absence of skin tone sliders can unintentionally perpetuate the dehumanization of POC. By not providing options for individuals to accurately represent their skin tones, anime companies may inadvertently contribute to the erasure of POC experiences and identities. Recognizing the humanity of POC means acknowledging their unique features and providing the means to authentically represent themselves within the anime medium.
  • The Need for Inclusion and Change:

To foster a truly welcoming anime community, it is crucial to address the toxic behavior and discrimination faced by black individuals. Content creators, anime conventions, and community leaders must take an active stance against racism and create safe spaces that encourage diversity and acceptance. By promoting inclusivity, education, and holding perpetrators accountable, we can work towards a more equitable and harmonious community.


The anime community has long prided itself on being inclusive and welcoming. However, the experiences shared by black VTubers, cosplayers, and fans expose the painful truth that these spaces are not always accommodating. By shedding light on these issues, sharing genuine quotes, and initiating conversations, we can work towards a more inclusive future where black individuals feel accepted and valued within the anime community. It is essential that we stand against racism, promote inclusivity, and advocate for positive change, ensuring that anime truly becomes a vibrant and welcoming space for everyone.



Ayce Slater

Hello I’m a content creator that loves anime and makes all type of anime content . I live to make you think, so check out some articles