Bitcoin in 2031

or “It’s the 1995 of Bitcoin”

Mike Kijewski
2 min readJan 2, 2014

1995 — “The internet is just a fad. Maybe some computer nerds are comfortable buying something with a credit card online, but most people would never do that. It’s a good way to share pictures of cats, but it will never be a business.”

2013—Most brick and mortar retail companies are dying. Amazon is delivering groceries with tiny autonymous helicopters. Google is taking over the world. AND the internet is a great way to share pictures of cats.

2013—”Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. You can’t buy anything with it. You can’t pay your taxes with it. Maybe some computer nerds will use it as a form of payment, but most people would never do that. It’s a great way to turn $12 into $1,000 in a year, and it will be a great way to turn $1,000 into $0 in another year.”

2031—The vast majority of the world’s financial transactions take place through a decentralized crypto-currency (likely Bitcoin). Governments can no longer print their way out of debt. Banks can no longer siphon billions of dollars out of the world economy in the form of transaction fees. And those ‘computer nerds’ (like Thad Wormald) who bought Bitcoin at $12 will have models (and Jenna Maroney) fighting after them.



Mike Kijewski

co-founder of MedCrypt and Gamma Basics. Sub-par surfer.