Korea: The Revolution of Hope

Mike Kim
6 min readMay 30, 2016


Photo Credit: Robert Koehler — http://rjkoehler.tumblr.com/

A fog of discontent has crawled it’s way into the psyche of many young adults in Korea.

Anger, frustration and a sense of hopelessness rests heavily on the minds of Korea’s youth.

Driven by rising student unemployment rates, limited career growth opportunities, a corporate culture hammered by customs of an era gone, and a societal pressure that aims for nothing less than perfection.

A phrase has even been coined to represent this current state: ‘Hell Joseon.

A phrase I absolutely disdain.

One that in no way represents the beauty of our generation and the incredible dreams it will achieve.

This isn’t hell. Not even close.

Korea’s youth face a David and Goliath battle.

And while Goliath may appear to be an unfavorable job market coupled with a demanding corporate/social culture, I would argue, that the larger battle actually lies within themselves.

Korea faces an uphill economic battle. The road to success and the life one desires in Korea isn’t easy to achieve. There’s no denying that.

But I write today, not to dismiss the hardships we as a generation face, but to rather suggest that we have a choice. An incredibly important choice.

We have the choice of hope.

Our generation has the privilege and freedom, which came at great cost, to craft the life of our own doing.

That ability to have freedom of choice crawled through true ‘Hell Joseon’ and back; Brutal oppression and exploitation from Japanese colonial rule, Korea’s daughters forced into sexual slavery, a decimated nation after The Korean War, 1997's IMF Crisis, and the birth of Korean Democracy.


Brutal acts of oppression during Japan’s Colonization of Korea.

Those living a hundred years before us never had the option to live the life of their choice.

The issue now? We’re failing to recognize the power of our own free will. The wealth of our collective power.

Our generation’s future success. The life we dream of living. The country’s future - All rests on one critical factor that no economic instrument can measure.

Our mindset.

I don’t have the ultimate answer to solving the student unemployment crisis. I don’t have the definitive solution to increase national exports or where to even begin with changing the corporate culture within the Chaebols of Korea.

But I can tell you one thing, we won’t achieve anything by being cynical.

The chips have been stacked. Therefore, you can blame the government, the country, whoever you’d like on the current state of Korea. But when you’re done being upset, lets build. Together.

Because if you’re going to grumble about our current state, you also need to be a part of the solution.

I don’t choose to be optimistic because I’m naive.

I choose to be optimistic because, quite frankly, being pessimistic about Korea’s current state will do absolutely nothing to change it.

Hardships and tough conditions are universal; it’s not relegated to Korea.

Youth in America face high student unemployment rates, tremendous student debt and an incredible pressure to succeed. If you think Nunchi is a Korean norm, give this a read: ‘The Silicon Valley Suicides.

Pressure to succeed is universal, but it should not hold captive your aspirations.

It’s tough for young people in Korea today. I agree. But it could be a heck of a lot worse… Lets see this time as an opportunity for us to shape this nation into the country we have always dreamed it to be.

We got to where we are today because in the darkest of times, past generations never let go of the light of Hope.

So it’s time we take a moment, and look deep within the very cavern of our generation, and reignite that which is our greatest gift.

Our Hope.

You are the brightest generation Korea has ever had.

Globally minded, undeniably intelligent, and armed with a resilient passion to pursue life.

You are the generation built on the hope of Koreans past.

The question is, will you see yourselves the way I and centuries past have yearned for you to see yourselves?

As Trailblazers. Pioneers.

The bright future of Korea

This nation’s future is ready for you. Most importantly, it needs you.

So I’m challenging this generation of young Koreans to do one thing:

Love yourself.

Love yourself enough to pursue the life of your own doing.

Stop living for everyone else, and step up to the Choice you have. The societal pressures are a mental cage that actually is of your choosing to stay in. I’m not saying it’s easy to escape; I’m saying you can.

Breaking free from the archaic chains of a time gone won’t be easy. In fact, it might me be one of the hardest damn things our generation ever has to do. To walk against the cultural current.

But the life you yearn for in Korea will require taking a step against the grain.

So ignore the naysayers, the detractors, the nunchi devils, as they were never your supporters anyways. What’s the point of living up to the expectations of those who aren’t genuinely supportive of your life?

Those who truly love you, even if they oppose your path, will support you no matter what.

Live for them. Live for you.

Rather than pursuing the dream career of your parent’s wishes, pursue your everlasting purpose.

Rather than pursuing the wealth of a college’s name, pursue intellect for personal growth.

Rather than pursuing a home in an upscale neighborhood, provide a sense of home to others by giving back to your community.

Rather than pursuing a status car, develop a vehicle for future generations to prosper.

And most importantly, pursue you. For you.

“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love.” — Jim Carrey

The Korea we want to live in, is the Korea we have to build.

There’s no escaping our current economic state. We can’t swerve around it. Wait it out. Or hide in another country from it. The country is what it is, and it will be up to no one else other than us, and our generation to make it what we want.

And We Will.

This nation won’t change because of elected leaders, an economic stimulus package, or even more money thrown into a ‘Creative Economy.’

Korea will evolve and fire into a new day because of our generation’s sheer will to bend the cultural steel of our time and shape it to the soul of our rendering.

And it begins by regaining our Hope.

The eternal belief, that whatever will come, shall in no way hinder the faith I have in my tomorrow.

It is this belief, this fundamental factor, that will serve as the foundation on which our generation’s greatest achievements will bloom and how real change will happen.

Without hope, tomorrow is simply a rerun of yesterday.

“I know you can not live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living.” — Harvey Milk

Korea sits on the precipice of a revolution.

A tidal force that has been mounting for some time; it’s crest rising with the force of a generation’s trepidation.

Pulled forward by a relentless gravity for change; a seismic shift awaits Korea.

An inner fire has begun to show tremors; cracking the horizon of tomorrow. Dormant no longer; rising through the hearts of Korea’s next wave.

Held hostage in a barn of societal pressure and whipped by condescending eyes; the wave is set to crash.

The tide edging towards it’s tipping point. Korea’s youth simply need to grab hold of it’s own sheer will power, and fight for what has always belonged to them.

Their future.

So begins, The Revolution of Hope.


