The Korea Legacy Committee: Compassion for a Forgotten Generation

Mike Kim
5 min readNov 26, 2015


I. Forgotten

Hands trembling, she resides alone. With a desolate heartbeat; a callous cold accompanies her barren apartment. The spectacular fall colors that highlight the autumn skyline remind her of a foregone happiness. Bright and distant. Hunger an agonizing companion; sunlight a fickle warmth. The solitude is deafening. Besides this crumbling hillside, a frail elder soul resides; forgotten.


Beneath the luxurious sheen of modern Korea a shadow looms; The very generation that is largely responsible for this nation’s meteoric rise is living in heartbreaking poverty.

From the rubble of war, one generation lifted above a fog of despair to develop Korea into a global juggernaut; an economic miracle. Now nearly half of this generation is living in relative poverty. Korea’s elderly poverty rate is the highest among all industrialized nations of the OECD (four times higher than the OECD average). A brutal recognition for a generation that deserves so much more.

Most of those in this aging population actually lived comfortably with prosperous careers. However, in the ascent to become a global leader, Korea fell behind in developing an advanced and comprehensive national pension system. Launched in 1988, senior citizens are currently granted a mere $200 a month. A quarter of what is needed for a single household.

Further, the traditional Confucian social construct that directed children to support their parents as they age has deteriorated over the past few decades. Many of Korea’s elderly assumed their children, whom they sacrificed their financial savings for, would in return care for them as they aged. However, according to a government poll, the percentage of children who think they should look after their parents has shrunk from 90% to 37% over the past 15 years.

An impending and daunting wave is also cresting. The number of senior citizens in Korea is rising significantly. The latest figures from the Korean census illustrated that the number of seniors grew from 7 percent of the population in 2000 to a staggering 12 percent in 2013. Korea will not be able to ignore this emerging crisis.

The decline in family support, a paltry government safety net, and a rapidly aging population leads to one resolute call to arms.

We, The Tiger Chaebol, Korea’s Young Professionals, need to step up.

It is incumbent on our generation to not only rise to support our elders, but to develop a legacy of youth philanthropy that permeates for eternity. Our innate duty, not as a generation, but as a people, should be to serve those who have granted us our very roots.

We can no longer afford to discount the prevailing epidemic of poverty gripping our nation’s elders. On this sacred ground, 우리 나라, we must pay tribute to our nation’s patriots by acknowledging this crisis and ensuring that not one senior citizen is ever forgotten.

“The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens.” — Jimmy Carter

II. The Pledge

할머니. 할아버지.

Because of you, Korea’s golden generation, we rest on a tide of possibility. A light from a toiled past; with weathered eyes you stare with a resilience. Peace forged through ultimate sacrifice. A selfless pilgrimage for a generation that has yet to comprehend your ultimate gift; life-free.

We pledge to never forget.

You’ve provided our generation an orchestra of privilege. Brick by brick; a monastery of opportunity was built along the Han. It’s banks still awash with a crimson glow of it’s namesake. Tears of a past still raw, you built. Moving through a drowning current; relentlessly paving a wisdom gilded path for those yet to come.

We pledge to never forget.

Within the warmth of your arms, you fed me the world through your eyes. A comprehension still unmatched to what you have bestowed. Can we, will we, ever truly understand the galaxy in your eyes? A spectrum of time separates the closeness of our relativity. You will, and forever will be, the definitive branch of of our heritage; our being.

We pledge to never forget.

A life of heartfelt anguish; a generation ignorant of your plight. The hour has come for us to achieve the greatness of your time. In doing so, we shall walk with you the rest of the way. Ever grateful; alongside the shadow of your heroism. A token too meager for what is rightfully owed. We stand ready to serve.

We pledge to never forget.

A somber loneliness we will banish. A soulful pain we will mend. A hunger arising we will subdue. A curiosity we will inform. A debt we will forever repay. Reflections of your blessings will remain with us daily. On this day, and everyday, we thank you.

We pledge to build the Korean Legacy; a culture of youth philanthropy that will echo from generation to generation.


III. The Korea Legacy Committee

In 2015, The Korea Legacy Committee was founded to spearhead efforts to combat the national poverty faced by the senior citizens of Korea. Based on a simple, yet profound belief that “We Are One Minjok. 우리 한민족,” this group launched to forever instill within the Korean heritage a deep legacy of compassionate philanthropy among it’s rising youth.

The Korea Legacy Committee

The Korea Legacy Committee is a radically inclusive team of social entrepreneurs dedicated to providing support and love to our elderly population. Through volunteer events and fundraising efforts, the KLC aims to alleviate the heavy burden facing Korea’s aging senior citizens.

Mission Statement

The KLC is focused on engaging, educating and and inspiring a new generation of Koreans on the issues that face the country’s elderly.

The Korea Legacy Committee Board of Directors

Seoul Senior Welfare Center — 서울노인복지센터

The main beneficiary of “The Korea Legacy Committee” is the Seoul Senior Welfare Center.

Established in 2001, The Seoul Senior Welfare Center is the largest provider of comprehensive support for the senior citizens of Korea. The center, based in Insadong, hosts and manages many programs to improve the well-being and welfare of senior citizens including job search, education and leisure activities. With open doors; the center is a home to all elders. An invaluable local institution that serves the needs of Korea’s Senior Citizens with deep care and affection.

How You Can Help

Please follow our Facebook Page for volunteer opportunities and fundraising event updates:

Join the movement. Build the Legacy.

The Korea Legacy Committee Board of Directors

