How to Revive your Twitter Engagement by 1036%, with proof

Mike Koshko
3 min readFeb 26, 2016


It’s no secret that Twitter more recently has gone through some changes with executives, features, and will hopefully continue to find its path and vision for the future. That being said, there are plenty of people using Twitter who rely on it to drive their business needs. Those certain people would say Twitter is not dead and is certainly alive. But when you have over 100K followers of which many are actively engaged, it’s easy to make the claim. For the other 200 million people, Twitter seems to be lacking the adaptation of new ways to engage with users. However, Twitter isn’t all to blame. Twitter actually has been ahead of the curve before anyone else. 95% of us just didn’t know it, until now.

Introducing, video. That’s right. Video. Don’t you dare roll your eyes. Video replies, video messages and video tweets. You’ve got to think outside the box on this one. FYI, if you aren’t comfortable getting in front of the camera, you can stop reading now.

Let me give you an example of where video comes in to play with Twitter. What I do is for every new follower (and I mean every single one) I send a video of me personally thanking them for following me.

This doesn’t have to be perfect. Hell, lack of perfection is sometimes better as it shows character and authenticity. Though lack of execution is the bigger problem. Not putting in the time is the biggest hurdle. Not trying, not putting in the effort, not being real, automating it, editing the video and such are all things that will ultimately hold you back from seeing results.

I see marketing as an effort to adapt to changing times, including innovation and creativity. Twitter is filled with a ton of noise (automated tweets and messages and over 20K tweets every second). This mode of automation worked in the beginning but not anymore. Accounts with huge followings are struggling with engagement numbers simply because they automated their whole Twitter profile and rarely ever replied to anybody. Their loyalty and trust was never created into a valuable following; it’s just a giant list of strangers following noise.

Just so you know, I’m a big believer in not only preaching and educating but being a real life example and practitioner. With that, here’s an example of my stats just within the last 28 days.

If you think my numbers are low but percentages are high, that’s even more reason to believe me. My conversations have reached 30K and I don’t have a lot of followers, but that’s the point. Imagine if I had 100K followers. The engagement stats would be 10x what they are today. And these stats are purely meant as real proof.

So do yourself a huge favor and do it right now. Seriously. Log into Twitter, go to your recent followers, pick someone at random, go their profile, remember their first name, know where they are located, know what they do or who they work for, send them a tweet with a recorded video message saying, “Hey [first name], thank you so much for following me. I really appreciate it. How long have you been living in [location]? Tell me more about what you do at [company] as [job title]. Have a great rest of your day.”

I would love to hear your thoughts on this piece! And if you enjoyed, please scroll down and click the ‘💚’ button.

