A Content Manifesto

Mike Myers
1 min readNov 6, 2014


We believe in content.

We believe in big content and small content.

We believe in creating, curating and sharing worthwhile content.

We believe in thoughtfully managing content.

Making it available, consistent.

We believe in putting our best foot forward.

We believe in having content standards — and following them.

We believe in making people look good.

We believe it’s the best way for us to look good.

We believe in breaking through the clutter.

We believe content without a plan is clutter.

We don’t believe in clutter.

We believe in the power of a human story.

We believe in finding the true story and telling it well.

We believe people will listen when the story helps them.

We believe in relationships.

We believe in growing them, not leveraging them.

We believe in nurturing relationships, not leads.

We believe in helping others, not ourselves.

We believe in our noble purpose.

We believe nothing is more important than helping our members.

We believe in being useful.

We believe in being consistent.

We believe in being clear.

We believe the best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.

We believe content is the future of marketing.

And we believe in leading the way.



Mike Myers

Marketer by trade, writer by choice. Enjoys creating stories, building brands, being a dad. #gobucks