How to Set Up a Unturned Server

Mike Newlan
6 min readJul 31, 2023


Unturned is a popular sandbox survival game that allows players to explore a post-apocalyptic world, scavenge for resources, build structures, and interact with other players. While playing on public servers can be enjoyable, creating your own Unturned server can provide a more customized and controlled gaming experience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up your own Unturned server from scratch. Also visit this page to choose the best unturned server to use.

What is Unturned?

Unturned is a free-to-play survival game developed by Nelson Sexton. It gained popularity for its blocky, pixelated graphics reminiscent of Minecraft and its vast open-world exploration. The game allows players to gather resources, build bases, and survive against hordes of zombies and hostile players.

Why Create a Unturned Server?

Setting up your own Unturned server gives you full control over the gaming environment. You can invite friends, create custom game rules, and install mods and plugins to enhance gameplay. Additionally, running a server allows you to build a community and enjoy the game with like-minded players.

Benefits of Setting up Your Own Server

  • Customization: Tailor the game settings and rules according to your preferences.
  • Security: Ensure a safe gaming environment for you and your friends.
  • Performance: Optimize server performance for a smoother gaming experience.

System Requirements

Before diving into the server setup process, ensure your system meets the minimum requirements for hosting an Unturned server.

Minimum Hardware and Software Specifications

  • CPU: Dual-core processor (e.g., Intel Core i3 or AMD Ryzen 3)
  • RAM: 4GB or higher
  • Storage: At least 10GB of free space
  • Operating System: Windows 10, Linux, or macOS

Internet Connection

A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for hosting an Unturned server. A broadband connection with upload speeds of at least 5 Mbps is recommended.

Choosing the Right Hosting Provider

When selecting a hosting provider for your Unturned server, several factors should be considered to ensure a seamless gaming experience.

Factors to Consider

1. Performance and Uptime: Look for a hosting provider that guarantees high performance and uptime. A stable server ensures minimal lags and disruptions during gameplay.

2. Location: Opt for a server location that is geographically close to the majority of your players. This reduces latency and provides a smoother gaming experience.

3. Scalability: Choose a provider that offers scalability options. As your server’s player base grows, you may need to upgrade resources to accommodate more players.

4. Customer Support: Reliable and responsive customer support is essential, especially when facing technical issues or server-related queries.

Popular Hosting Providers for Unturned Servers

  1. Known for its user-friendly interface and excellent performance, offers Unturned server hosting with various pricing plans.
  2. Host Havoc: This hosting provider provides an easy setup process, excellent performance, and a range of server locations.
  3. Survival Servers: Offering hosting solutions for various games, Survival Servers has tailored Unturned server packages with reliable support.

Installing Unturned Server

Once you’ve chosen a hosting provider, it’s time to install the Unturned server on your chosen operating system.

Downloading Unturned Server Files

  1. Visit the official Unturned website or SteamCMD (Steam Console Client) to download the dedicated server files.
  2. Extract the downloaded files to a location on your computer.

Setting up SteamCMD

Download SteamCMD from the official Valve website and install it on your computer.

Launch SteamCMD and log in with your Steam account.

Use the following command to set the installation directory for the Unturned server:

force_install_dir <server_directory_path>

Download and install the Unturned server files using the following command:

app_update 1110390 validate

Once the installation is complete, close SteamCMD.

Configuring Your Unturned Server

With the Unturned server installed, it’s time to configure it to suit your preferences and gameplay style.

Server Settings and Customization

  1. Navigate to the server directory and locate the “Commands.dat” file.
  2. Open the file with a text editor and customize various settings such as server name, password, player slots, PvP or PvE mode, and server description.
  3. Save the changes and close the file.

Managing Plugins and Mods

Adding plugins and mods can significantly enhance your Unturned server’s gameplay and attract more players. Follow these steps to manage them effectively:

  1. Find and download the desired plugins and mods from trusted sources. You can search for popular ones on the Steam Workshop or Unturned community forums.
  2. Create a “Plugins” and “Workshop” folder within your server directory.
  3. Place the downloaded plugin files (.dll) into the “Plugins” folder and the workshop files (.dat) into the “Workshop” folder.
  4. Open the “Commands.dat” file again and add the necessary commands to enable the plugins and mods. Ensure you follow the instructions provided by each plugin’s creator.
  5. Save the changes and restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Managing and Maintaining Your Server

Running a successful Unturned server involves active management and regular maintenance. Here are some essential tips:

Admin Controls and Commands

As the server owner or administrator, you have access to various commands that help manage players and the gaming environment. Some common admin commands include:

  • /kick [player]: Kicks a specific player from the server.
  • /ban [player]: Bans a player from the server.
  • /teleport [player] [x y z]: Teleports a player to specific coordinates.
  • /give [player] [item] [amount]: Gives a player a certain number of items.

Refer to the official Unturned wiki or community resources for a complete list of admin commands and their usage.

Backing Up Your Server Data

Regularly backing up your server data is essential to prevent any loss of progress or information. Set up an automatic backup schedule or manually create backups before making significant changes to your server.

Promoting Your Unturned Server

Once your Unturned server is up and running, you’ll want to attract players to join your community. Here are some effective ways to promote your server:

Attracting Players

  • Engaging Server Description: Craft a compelling server description that highlights unique features, rules, and incentives for players to join.
  • Host Special Events: Organize in-game events, competitions, or giveaways to create excitement and attract new players.
  • Recruit Active Moderators: Having active and friendly moderators can create a positive and welcoming atmosphere for players.

Utilizing Social Media and Gaming Communities

  • Social Media: Use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Discord to share updates, event announcements, and interact with potential players.
  • Unturned Community Forums: Engage with the Unturned community on official forums and showcase your server’s distinctive aspects.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While running an Unturned server can be rewarding, technical issues may arise. Here are some common problems and how to troubleshoot them:

Connectivity Problems

  • Check Ports: Ensure that the required ports (default is 27015) are open and properly forwarded in your router settings.
  • Firewall Settings: Configure your server’s firewall to allow incoming and outgoing traffic for Unturned.

Plugin Compatibility

  • Update Plugins: Keep your plugins and mods up-to-date, as outdated versions may cause conflicts or issues.
  • Remove Problematic Plugins: If you encounter issues after adding a specific plugin, try removing it and check if the problem persists.


Creating and managing your own Unturned server opens up a world of possibilities for customization, social interaction, and unique gameplay experiences. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up a server tailored to your preferences and build a thriving gaming community.

So, gather your friends, customize your world, and embark on an unforgettable journey in the post-apocalyptic universe of Unturned.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How many players can my server support?

A: The number of players your server can support depends on its hardware specifications. Typically, Unturned servers can accommodate anywhere from 10 to 24 players, but you can upgrade resources to support more.

Q: Can I change the server’s map?

A: Yes, you can change the map of your Unturned server. Simply download the desired map and replace the current one in the server directory.

Q: How often should I back up my server data?

A: It’s recommended to back up your server data regularly, preferably daily or before making significant changes to your server.

Q: Can I install multiple mods and plugins on my server?

A: Absolutely! You can install multiple mods and plugins to enrich your players’ gaming experience. Just ensure they are compatible and up-to-date.

Q: How do I become an admin on my server?

A: To become an admin on your Unturned server, add your SteamID to the “Admins.dat” file in the server directory. Save the file and restart the server for the changes to take effect.

