Michael Obot
3 min readJun 17, 2023


Love is one word that needs no introduction, the definition may vary but its meaning is universal. Most of us have experienced love in one form, so it’s easy to tell what it is.

Love is a perfect scenario we wish we could be stuck in forever. It is a moment where nothing can go wrong; everything feels just right. But as life is, some situations come up like a pin and burst this bubble leaving us crashing down to earth where reality is patiently waiting.

Love can be likened to fire, just like fire needs fuel and oxygen to keep burning so does love. The fuel is a partner and the oxygen is us. We need to play our part, doing the necessary things required of us to ensure the fire doesn’t die out, and giving it the air it needs to breathe.

The Bible in 1 Corinthians 13:4 –13 lists the qualities of love. If we look deeply at these qualities we see that they are not conditional, all of them put together is what love is. Ignoring some qualities makes love deficient. The last statement at the end of the above-mentioned chapter states clearly that Love is the greatest.

The true power of love lies in its unconditionality. Most times we claim to love but in reality, we are just fair-weather friends, loving when the conditions are suitable.

Loving unconditionally is no easy feat. We are so used to the law of reciprocity, that we feel it’s out of place to show love when we haven’t been shown any in return. We take this attitude into our relationships, most times we want the love to be 50:50 and when our partner comes up short we find them wanting. We feel because we have given our own 50, we have done enough and should not be blamed if anything goes wrong. We forget that relationships are a team effort. We should cover up our partner’s weaknesses. When they can come up with a 30 we put up a 70 keeping it a 100 and balanced because a team wins or loses together not individually.

Unconditional love is a kind of love with no boundaries, limitations, or restrictions. It is showing love when you don’t feel like it; when the person doesn’t deserve it. It is giving love when you haven’t been given any.

There are many things involved in building a healthy and long-lasting relationship, unconditional love is the cement that keeps everything together making it a solid block that can last.

Relationship requires commitment, love, and other things but among all these Love is the most significant and most required, not just any kind of Love but UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Points to reflect on:

  • Am I a fair-weather friend?
  • Do I love conditionally?
  • Do I struggle to give love when I feel it’s undeserving?



Michael Obot

I write on how to build healthy and long lasting relationships.