Rage Against The Machine

Michael Smith
1 min readMay 30, 2018


Another look at some album artwork and another favourite, Rage Against The Machines self titled debut released in November 1992. A 10 song album that shook the music industry and provided such success for the outfit that they didn’t have to release another for almost 4 years.

RATM’s self titled album cover

A lot of 80s and 90s band used shocking imagery on their album covers, with this being one of the most memorable of the time. The cover features a photo of Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk who deliberately set himself on fire as a protest against the South Vietnamese Diem regimes pro-catholic policies. No use of Photoshop or photo manipulation has been used here, it’s all real and it’s brutality matches the power and politically driven lyrical content inside.

The iconic typewriter type became synonymous with the band and acted as a logo at the start of their career. The typewriter font gives the feeling a message has been deployed, inciting listeners to rage against the machine.

