One of the example themes, pulled from

Dear Startups, please stop using Bootstrap.

There is a time and a place, but prod is neither.

Mike Rudolph
2 min readNov 3, 2013


A black fixed to-top header, those fancy rounded corner buttons, and Helvetica Neue that once looked trendy are now what I like to refer to as “a modern day comic sans”. Sorry, that may be a bit too harsh.

It’s a quick and simple way to scaffold the client side of your project, it’s clean looking and it really empowers developers who lack in design skills.

But I feel like we have taken advantage of this tool-set too much (myself included), its pretty easy to run through Hacker News surfing links to the latest show offs only to find your greeted by a giant hero unit with the big blue “sign up” button (`btn btn-primary btn-lg`). Congratulations, you've just turned me off your probably good idea because it’s presented to me the exact same way about 1000 others are.

I know some developers who feel they should never see anything bootstrapped unless they’re at a hackathon. I don’t necessarily feel this way; I believe if its an open source project/hack then its fine. If you’re building a back-end admin tool then its probably fine as well. I know the next time I tweet out a project, a hack, or a startup I will remember how many of us out there are tired of seeing hero-units.



Mike Rudolph

Cloud Architect & Technical Lead. Code. Coffee. Create.