PinnedMike SandApple Developer Documentation’s Simple, Fundamental Design FlawNot every hierarchy is a navigation hierarchyJan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
PinnedMike SandAn Open Letter to “PowerToFly”: I have questionsWhat is PowerToFly? I learned of PowerToFly through your mention of Work & Co, who I have accused of an abusive and corrupt HR process.Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
Mike SandAn Open Message to Forrester Research: What is a model to follow?Paralanguage usually refers to the nonverbal components of speech, as put in Language Culture and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic…Oct 25, 2021Oct 25, 2021
Mike SandinTendigiiPadOS and iOS for MacA new approach to building for Apple PlatformsJun 11, 2019Jun 11, 2019
Mike SandCore Data in Swift 1: Creating a Pure Swift NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegateMocking Core Data: IntroductionOct 20, 20171Oct 20, 20171
Mike SandNSFetchedResultsController does not want to be mockedOr more specifically, NSFetchedResultsController’s Objective-C generics do not play nicely with Swift protocols’ associatedtype.Oct 20, 2017Oct 20, 2017
Mike SandConstants: Struct static lets or enums?Organizing constant values in code has been important since before Swift, but provides several ways.Oct 3, 2017Oct 3, 2017
Mike SandA Use of KeyPaths in Swift 4KeyPaths are a marquee feature in Swift 4, but it may not be obvious how to use them. One interesting use case came over Twitter:Aug 21, 2017Aug 21, 2017
Mike SandWWDC 2017: The View from the CouchThe following is adapted from the June 2017 talk at New York City’s iOSoHo Meetup at Vimeo, originally titled “WWDC 2107: Build and Run”.Jun 17, 2017Jun 17, 2017