Why Terrence Howard Might Be the Most Important Man in the World Today

Mike Tobias
14 min readMay 31, 2024


Futuristic cityscape powered by advanced, clean energy sources derived from electromagnetic fields. The skyline features flying cars and personal aircraft gliding through the air. High-speed trains and hyperloop systems connect the city, with streets free of traditional vehicles. The environment is clean and vibrant, with green spaces and clear skies, capturing a harmonious society thriving with abundant energy and revolutionary travel technologies.

Imagine a world where Terrence Dashon Howard’s revolutionary ideas have reshaped our understanding of physics and the universe. In this world, the concept of gravity as a fundamental force has been replaced by a new understanding of it as an effect of pressure differentials and electromagnetic interactions. This profound shift in scientific thinking has led to unprecedented advancements in technology and energy.

A World Without Fossil Fuels

In Howard’s world, the need for fossil fuels has been entirely eliminated. Scientists have harnessed the principles of his unified field theory to develop new, clean energy sources that are abundant and sustainable. Energy generation no longer relies on burning fossil fuels or even traditional renewable sources like solar and wind. Instead, advanced technologies tap into the underlying electromagnetic fields of the Earth, providing a limitless supply of energy.

Cities are powered by these new energy sources, leading to a dramatic reduction in pollution and a significant improvement in air quality. Climate change concerns have become a thing of the past, as humanity no longer contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that once threatened the planet’s stability.

Revolutionizing Travel

Travel has been revolutionized through the application of Howard’s theories. Vehicles, whether on land, sea, or in the air, no longer rely on combustion engines. Instead, they use technology that allows them to decouple from the Earth’s electromagnetic field. This decoupling enables vehicles to move with unparalleled efficiency and speed. Imagine flying cars and personal aircraft that glide effortlessly through the air, propelled by electromagnetic interactions rather than engines.

Long-distance travel, which once took hours or even days, is now accomplished in a fraction of the time. The concept of road traffic and congestion has become obsolete, as personal and public transportation systems have evolved to operate above the ground. High-speed trains and hyperloop systems connect cities and countries, making global travel faster, safer, and more accessible than ever before.

A Harmonious Society

The advancements inspired by Howard’s theories have not only transformed technology and energy but have also led to a more harmonious society. With abundant energy and efficient transportation, resources are more evenly distributed, and access to opportunities is greatly enhanced. The focus of global economies has shifted from competition over finite resources to innovation and collaboration in utilizing the limitless potential of electromagnetic fields.

Education systems have embraced these new scientific principles, fostering a generation of thinkers and innovators who continue to build on Howard’s foundational ideas. Scientific inquiry is encouraged, and the culture of skepticism and resistance to new ideas has been replaced by one of open-mindedness and exploration.

In this imagined world, Terrence Dashon Howard’s visionary thinking has not only solved some of humanity’s most pressing problems but has also opened the door to a future where technology and nature coexist in harmony. The boundaries of what is possible have been expanded, and humanity thrives in a world where energy is abundant, travel is revolutionary, and society is united by the pursuit of knowledge and progress.

I. Introduction

What if everything we knew about gravity was wrong? What if the very force that keeps our feet on the ground and the planets in orbit is not a fundamental cause but an effect of other, deeper interactions? These are the kinds of provocative questions being posed by Terrence Dashon Howard, an actor turned scientist whose revolutionary ideas are challenging the very foundations of physics.

Terrence Howard’s theories are not just bold — they’re paradigm-shifting. He suggests that gravity, long considered a fundamental force, might actually be an emergent effect resulting from pressure differentials and electromagnetic forces. This challenges centuries of scientific thought dating back to Isaac Newton and even the more complex theories of Albert Einstein. Howard’s ideas push us to reconsider what we thought was settled science and to explore new, possibly groundbreaking, explanations for the universe’s most fundamental forces.

In a world where quantum physics continues to unveil complexities and mysteries that elude even the brightest minds, Howard’s perspective is a call to action. It invites us to remain curious and open-minded, to question our assumptions, and to embrace the possibility that significant portions of our understanding of the universe may need to be reevaluated.

This article aims to delve into why Terrence Howard might be the most important man in the world today. We will explore his theories, their implications, and why they demand our attention. In doing so, we will also address the resistance to his ideas and why challenging established norms is a crucial part of scientific progress.

II. Unpacking Howard’s Theories

Gravity as an Effect, Not a Cause

Terrence Dashon Howard challenges the conventional understanding of gravity by proposing that it is not a fundamental force but rather an effect resulting from other interactions, primarily pressure differentials and electromagnetic forces. To explain this concept, consider the behavior of objects in water.

Imagine an apple falling from a tree. Traditionally, we attribute this to gravity — a force pulling the apple toward the Earth. However, Howard suggests that this movement is better understood as the apple seeking equilibrium in pressure. Similarly, think about a balloon submerged in water. The balloon rises to the surface, not because of gravity, but due to the pressure differences in the water pushing it upwards. In this analogy, gravity is seen as an emergent phenomenon — an effect of the interactions between pressure and electromagnetic fields rather than a standalone force.

By viewing gravity as an effect, Howard encourages a reevaluation of the forces at play in the universe, suggesting that what we perceive as gravitational attraction might actually be the result of underlying pressure dynamics seeking balance.

Challenging Classical and Quantum Physics

Howard’s ideas do more than just reinterpret gravity; they challenge the very foundations of classical and quantum physics.

Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation have long been cornerstones of classical mechanics. Newton described gravity as a force acting at a distance, drawing masses toward each other. Howard’s perspective disrupts this view by suggesting that gravity is not a primary cause but a secondary effect. This shifts the focus from gravitational attraction to the interactions of pressure and electromagnetic fields.

In the realm of quantum mechanics, gravity remains one of the least understood forces, often leading to theories that include dark matter and dark energy to explain cosmic phenomena. Howard’s unified field theory proposes a simpler explanation: if gravity is an effect of electromagnetic interactions, then our approach to unifying the forces of the universe must also change. This implies that the complexities of quantum mechanics might be simplified under a new framework that integrates gravity as an emergent effect.

Unified Field Theory

Central to Howard’s revolutionary ideas is his proposal of a unified field theory. This theory aims to describe all physical phenomena through the interactions of electromagnetic fields, simplifying our understanding of the universe.

In traditional physics, forces like gravity, electromagnetism, and the nuclear forces are treated as distinct entities. Howard’s unified field theory suggests that these forces are manifestations of a single underlying interaction. By unifying these forces, the theory could potentially provide a more cohesive and accessible explanation of the universe’s workings.

One of the most significant advantages of Howard’s unified field theory is its potential to make complex scientific concepts more understandable to the layperson. Instead of dealing with multiple, often abstract forces, a unified theory simplifies these interactions into a single framework. This not only aids in scientific education but also in the practical application of these principles in technology and innovation.

Howard’s theories propose a paradigm shift in how we understand gravity, challenge the foundational principles of classical and quantum physics, and offer a unified field theory that could revolutionize our comprehension of universal forces. By exploring these ideas, we open the door to new scientific discoveries and a deeper understanding of the natural world.

III. The Significance of Howard’s Ideas

Terrence Howard’s theories, which propose that gravity is an effect rather than a fundamental force, hold profound implications for both scientific research and technological innovation. If validated, these ideas could revolutionize our understanding of physical phenomena and lead to breakthroughs across various fields.

New Energy Sources

  • By understanding gravity as an emergent effect of electromagnetic interactions, researchers could develop new methods for harnessing energy. This might involve creating devices that manipulate electromagnetic fields more efficiently, potentially leading to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.
  • For example, advancements in fusion energy, which already relies on controlling plasma with magnetic fields, could benefit from Howard’s insights, making fusion reactors more efficient and viable as a long-term energy solution.

Advances in Space Exploration

  • Rethinking gravity could lead to the development of advanced propulsion systems that exploit electromagnetic forces. This could make space travel faster and more efficient, allowing for deeper exploration of our solar system and beyond.
  • Additionally, understanding gravity as an effect might help in developing better techniques for navigating and manipulating gravitational fields in space, potentially improving the safety and efficacy of space missions.

Material Science and Engineering

  • Howard’s theories could inspire new materials designed to respond to electromagnetic fields in innovative ways. Such materials might have applications in a variety of fields, including aerospace, construction, and electronics.
  • By leveraging the interplay between electromagnetic forces and material properties, engineers could create structures that are stronger, lighter, and more adaptable to changing environmental conditions.

Rethinking Educational Curriculums

  • Integrating Howard’s theories into educational curriculums would encourage students to question established scientific concepts and think critically about the nature of fundamental forces. This could foster a more inquisitive and innovative mindset among future scientists and engineers.
  • Physics and mathematics courses might include modules on the history of scientific paradigms, illustrating how new ideas can revolutionize our understanding and emphasizing the importance of challenging the status quo.

Interdisciplinary Learning

  • Howard’s ideas bridge multiple disciplines, including physics, engineering, and philosophy. Educational programs could adopt a more interdisciplinary approach, teaching students to integrate knowledge from various fields to solve complex problems.
  • Courses could highlight the interconnectedness of scientific principles, encouraging students to explore how advances in one area can influence others.

Nature of the Universe

  • Howard’s proposal that gravity is an effect rather than a cause invites deep philosophical questions about the nature of the universe. Philosophers and scientists alike would need to reconsider the fundamental principles that govern physical reality.
  • This could lead to renewed debates on topics such as determinism, causality, and the nature of emergent phenomena, enriching the philosophical discourse on science and existence.

Epistemology and Scientific Inquiry

  • By challenging the traditional understanding of gravity, Howard’s theories underscore the importance of epistemology — the study of knowledge and belief. They remind us that scientific knowledge is provisional and subject to revision in light of new evidence and perspectives.
  • This perspective could encourage a more humble and open-minded approach to scientific inquiry, where questioning and re-evaluating established theories is seen as a vital part of the scientific process.

These ideas have the potential to significantly impact scientific research, technological innovation, educational curriculums, and philosophical discussions. By rethinking gravity as an effect rather than a cause, we open the door to new possibilities and a deeper understanding of the universe, encouraging a more holistic and integrated approach to science and learning.

IV. Why We Should Pay Attention

Terrence Howard’s willingness to challenge established scientific paradigms is not just bold — it’s necessary for the health and progress of the scientific community. Science thrives on questioning and testing the boundaries of our understanding. History has shown that major advancements often come from those who dare to question the status quo and propose revolutionary ideas.

Consider the shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric model of the solar system, spearheaded by Copernicus and later supported by Galileo and Kepler. This transition was met with intense resistance but ultimately led to a profound transformation in our understanding of the cosmos. Similarly, Einstein’s theory of relativity challenged Newtonian mechanics and reshaped our comprehension of space, time, and gravity.

Howard’s ideas encourage scientists to remain open-minded and inquisitive. By questioning whether gravity is a cause or an effect, he pushes us to re-evaluate our foundational principles and explore new possibilities. This kind of critical thinking and willingness to embrace unconventional ideas is vital for scientific innovation and progress.

Historically, major shifts in understanding have led to significant advancements across various fields. For example, the development of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century revolutionized physics, leading to technological advancements such as semiconductors, lasers, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These breakthroughs were possible because scientists dared to think beyond classical physics and explore the strange and counterintuitive world of quantum phenomena.

Howard’s proposal that gravity might be an effect rather than a cause has the potential to initiate a similar revolution in our understanding of the universe. If his ideas are validated, they could lead to new theories that unify the forces of nature, providing a simpler and more cohesive framework for understanding physical phenomena. This could, in turn, drive technological innovations in fields like energy production, space travel, and materials science.

By drawing parallels to past scientific revolutions, we can see that Howard’s ideas, if embraced and explored, have the potential to lead to transformative breakthroughs that could benefit humanity in unforeseen ways.

Is Terrence Howard Crazy?

Terrence Dashon Howard’s reception within the scientific community has been notably cold. Many scientists have outright rejected his ideas, as they challenge the very foundations of long-held beliefs in physics. His theories propose a radically different understanding of gravity that nullifies concepts like black holes, dark matter, and dark energy — cornerstones of modern astrophysics and cosmology.

This kind of disruptive thinking is often met with resistance, as it threatens to overturn established paradigms and invalidate years of research and accepted knowledge. It’s a common problem faced by many inventors and innovators throughout history — they are frequently misunderstood and rejected in their time. Only a few early adopters are willing to take such radical ideas seriously, recognizing their potential before the broader community does.

For well-established thinkers and corporations, embracing Howard’s theories is especially challenging. It would mean reconsidering and potentially abandoning foundational principles that their work and reputations are built upon. The inherent risk of disrupting the very ground they stand on makes it far too dangerous for them to give Howard’s ideas serious consideration. This resistance highlights the difficulties of pioneering transformative ideas in any field, especially one as rigorously scrutinized as science.

V. Overcoming Resistance and Embracing New Ideas

New theories often face significant cultural and institutional hurdles, as they challenge established norms and beliefs within the scientific community. One primary obstacle is the traditional bias towards existing paradigms. Scientists invest years, even decades, into researching and validating established theories, creating a natural resistance to ideas that threaten to overturn these foundations.

This phenomenon is well-documented in the history of science. For example, when Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model, it contradicted the widely accepted geocentric model of the universe. The initial response was one of skepticism and rejection, as it required a complete rethinking of astronomical and theological principles. Similarly, Einstein’s theory of relativity faced significant opposition because it challenged Newtonian mechanics, which had been the cornerstone of physics for centuries.

Institutional inertia further compounds this resistance. Scientific funding, publication, and recognition often favor conventional research that aligns with established theories. This creates an environment where radical ideas struggle to gain traction. Researchers proposing disruptive theories may find it challenging to secure funding, publish their work in reputable journals, or receive serious consideration from their peers. This institutional bias can stifle innovation and delay the acceptance of transformative ideas.

To foster scientific innovation and progress, it is crucial to support a culture of open inquiry where even the most radical ideas are given fair evaluation. Public interest and engagement play a vital role in this process. By advocating for open-mindedness and the critical examination of new theories, we can encourage the scientific community to explore unconventional ideas without prejudice.

5 Things We Should Do That We Are Not

  1. Encourage collaboration between different fields of science to provide diverse perspectives on new theories. This can help break down the silos that often hinder the acceptance of revolutionary ideas
  2. Recognize and support the efforts of early adopters who are willing to explore and validate new theories. Their work is essential in building the initial body of evidence needed to challenge established paradigms.
  3. Increase public engagement with scientific discussions through accessible publications, talks, and media. A well-informed public can advocate for the consideration of innovative ideas and support scientists who pursue groundbreaking research.
  4. Advocate for funding agencies and academic journals to adopt more flexible policies that encourage the exploration of high-risk, high-reward research. Providing opportunities for unconventional research can lead to significant advancements and discoveries.
  5. Integrate the history of scientific revolutions and the importance of questioning established knowledge into educational curriculums. Teaching students about the value of critical thinking and open inquiry will prepare future scientists to embrace new ideas.

By supporting these initiatives, we can create an environment where Howard’s theories, and other groundbreaking ideas, are evaluated on their merits rather than dismissed due to their unconventional nature. This approach not only advances our understanding of the universe but also ensures that science remains a dynamic and evolving field, capable of addressing the challenges and mysteries of the future.

Rewriting Axioms and Postulates

During his appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, Terrence Howard emphasized the need to rewrite the axioms and postulates of physics based on his understanding of the unified field theory. He advocates for adjusting our understanding of physics to fit natural phenomena more accurately, thereby achieving a balance with the natural world.

Create New Axioms Based on Wave Conjugations

Howard suggests that current axioms and postulates in physics are incomplete or incorrect because they do not fully account for the wave conjugations that underlie natural phenomena. By incorporating these wave interactions into the foundational principles of physics, we can develop a more accurate and holistic understanding of the universe.

Adjust Physics to Match Natural Phenomena

The goal is to align our physical theories more closely with the observable behaviors and interactions in nature. This involves a shift from viewing gravity as a fundamental cause to seeing it as an emergent effect, among other paradigm shifts.

This Achieves Balance with Nature

Howard believes that by revising our scientific frameworks, we can achieve a greater harmony with the natural world. This balance is not just theoretical but has practical implications for technology, sustainability, and our overall relationship with the environment.

The call to rewrite the axioms and postulates of physics challenges us to think beyond traditional frameworks and consider how our understanding of the universe can evolve. By overcoming cultural and institutional barriers and embracing a culture of open inquiry, we can pave the way for transformative scientific advancements and a deeper alignment with the natural world.

VI. Conclusion

Howard’s revolutionary ideas challenge deeply entrenched scientific norms, positioning him as one of the most important figures in contemporary science. His proposition that gravity is an effect rather than a cause invites us to rethink fundamental concepts that have shaped physics for centuries. By suggesting that gravity is an emergent phenomenon resulting from pressure differentials and electromagnetic interactions, Howard disrupts long-held beliefs in both classical and quantum physics. His unified field theory seeks to simplify our understanding of universal forces, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements in scientific research and technological innovation.

Despite facing significant resistance from the scientific community, Howard’s willingness to question established paradigms is crucial for fostering a culture of open inquiry and innovation. His call to rewrite the axioms and postulates of physics based on real wave conjugations challenges us to align our scientific frameworks more closely with natural phenomena, promising a deeper harmony with the natural world.

Visionary thinkers like Terrence Howard play a vital role in driving the evolution of knowledge and understanding in society. Throughout history, transformative ideas have often faced skepticism and resistance before gaining acceptance and leading to major scientific breakthroughs. By embracing unconventional perspectives and encouraging rigorous exploration, we can continue to push the boundaries of what we know and achieve new levels of insight and discovery.

As we navigate the complexities of modern science, it is essential to remain open-minded and supportive of innovative thinkers who challenge the status quo. Their contributions not only advance our understanding of the universe but also inspire future generations to pursue knowledge with curiosity and courage. In celebrating and engaging with visionary ideas, we uphold the spirit of scientific inquiry and ensure the continuous advancement of human understanding.



Mike Tobias

Student of Science, Philosopher at Heart, and Entrepreneurial Adventurer