Creating Monsters

Michael Sanchez
5 min readMar 3, 2024


Wendy “Lauren” Sanchez | Miss Jr. New Mexico

Writing Creating Monsters (working title) has been an extremely cathartic endeavor… even if no one ever reads it. My book chronicles the drama resulting from my lifetime of loving and supporting my fame-obsessed, gold digging, pathological liar sister Wendy “Lauren” Sanchez. It includes intimate details about my year as Jeff Bezos’ closest (only?) friend / advisor / confidante. It’s possible that Creating Monsters will never be published because Bezos has total control over the global publishing apparatus; in addition to total control over the U.S. justice system and global media.

Journalists have described the couple as “Publicity Whores.” You decide…

For reference, fake “journalists” like Brad Stone (Bloomberg), Alex Berzon (New York Times), Sally Buzbee & Sarah Ellison (Washington Post), Amy O’Dell (The Information), Harvey Levin (TMZ), et al., work for, or desperately want to work for “the savior” of The Washington Post. That’s why Bezos and Gavin de Becker, his CIA-connected fixer, have been able to suppress all coverage of Bezos’ and Lauren’s lies, crimes, and misdeeds — including Perjury, Extortion, Insider Trading, and serious violations of Amazon’s Code of Conduct. The catch-and-kill of O’Dell’s completed exposé on Lyin’ Lauren, including scathing details about what Anna Wintour really thinks about Lauren, is an epic story all by itself.

In addition to being a cathartic exercise, my book serves as a written record, with proof positive evidence on all-of-the-above, including the PR plan I developed far in advance of the inevitable extramarital cheating scandal.

My PR plan including the statement Bezos instructed Amazon PR to release

At a minimum, Creating Monsters will someday guide “the next Ronan Farrow” as he or she exposes the sordid truth about the autistic billionaire puppet and his pathological liar puppet master… two “publicity whore” narcissists who are far worse than Harvey Weinstein.

Patrick Whitesell, Lauren Sanchez, Jeff Bezos & Harvey Weinstein

This weekend I started the chapter titled “Malpractice LLP.” It outlines my misadventures with corrupt and/or conflicted attorneys like John Pierce, Tom Warren, Jonathan Jenkins, Lara Kayayan, and village idiot Michael Waddington. It all began in December 2019 with world famous litigator Mike Zeller of legal powerhouse Quinn Emanuel. (For reference, Zeller is the attorney who made Steve Wynn cry — according to Zeller).

After numerous grueling meetings and a review of all evidence, including FBI verification of my sworn Grand Jury testimony (i.e., “I never possessed any of the pornogrpahic dick pics Bezos sent Lauren throughout 2018”), Quinn Emanuel took my case on a full-contingency basis.

Lawyers discuss the $6 Million global settlement offer

Soon after Zeller sent Bezos’ attorneys a scathing draft Complaint, I received a $6 Million global settlement offer. Although it would’ve silenced me forever, I planned to accept the deal to spare my family any more pain.

Gary Baum exposes Patrick Whitesell

Then, out of the blue, respected journalist Gary Baum of The Hollywood Reporter contacted me in January 2020. Baum revealed false and defamatory allegations from mega talent agency / media conglomerate Endeavor (e.g., the ridiculously false claim that for money, I “sold” one of the Ben Affleck scandals to The National Enquirer.

Tangled web of MbS business partners

Really let that sink in... A respected journalist outed his source because he smelled a lying rat trying to frame me. The rat? Patrick Whitesell, my sister’s powerful soon-to-husband, desperate to keep his personal skeletons locked in the closet (e.g., the video of Whitesell which Lauren secretly recorded in 2018 will shock Hollywood). On the business side, when Baum outed him Whitesell and his partner, Ari Emanuel, were desperate to save their pending multi-billion-dollar IPO. At that critical moment in time, the IPO was in peril because of their close ties to Mohammad bin Salman, the future King of Saudi Arabia.

With proof positive that Whitesell and Endeavor’s PR thugs were defaming me, I instructed Zeller to add them to the lawsuit. Imagine my shock when Zeller said, “We need to run a conflict check on Endeavor.” Huh? One of the biggest and most powerful law firms in the world didn’t do a conflict check on the massive media conglomerate owned by the bitter husband of a key pending litigant? Lo and behold, the next day, Zeller’s co-counsel, Becca Davis, ran the conflict check. Zeller then arrogantly and unapologetically shared the results: “We can’t represent you against Whitesell and Endeavor because of a conflict.”

With a $6 Million global settlement in play, I was forced to replace Quinn Emanuel because of what I sincerely believe is Malpractice and Fraud (i.e., their undisclosed conflict with Endeavor). That set off a domino effect of Malpractice and Fraud by John Pierce and Tom Warren. It derailed the $6 Million settlement offer, leading to additional examples of Malpractice, Negligence and/or Fraud by Jonathan Jenkins, Lara Kayayan, Michael Waddington, et al. — some of it likely induced by bribery and blackmail.

And the rest is history — even if Bezos’ thugs and sycophants are able to suppress it… for now. Stay tuned!

Bezos committed Perjury to cover-up his cunning fiancé’s FALSE sexual abuse lie

