Michael Sanchez
6 min readJun 8, 2024


As I’ve said before, my sister Lauren Sanchez, Jeff Bezos’ evil puppet master fiancé is not totally evil. Lauren’s JEKYLL & HYDE persona is a fascinating mix of fun, love, kindness, and generosity — mixed with pure, unadulterated evil.

Since her expensive (and clunky) PR team has spent millions to manufacture the fake and phony “philanthropist” narrative, today I want to focus on some of the evil deeds which aided Lauren’s relentless climb.

In chronological order, Lauren Sanchez:

1. Falsely accused a modeling agent of rape and an Extra TV producer of sexual harassment.

2. Cheated on her then-husband, Endeavor/IMG Chairman Patrick Whitesell, in a long-term love affair with mega billionaire Dan Friedkin; and simultaneously, in a long-term sexual affair with Ryan Antoon, her flight instructor.

3. Pushed her mother to the brink of suicide with ridiculously false allegations of theft.

4. Secretly saved as “blackmail materials,” emails documenting Whitesell’s racist attacks on Tobie Gonzalez to “kill” her co-host spot on The View; and a shocking video of her soon-to-be-ex-husband grinding sexually up against a teenage boy named Henry.

5. Falsely accused me, her gay brother and “best friend” of incestuous childhood sexual abuse — weeks after her $6 Million+ global settlement offer failed to silence me.

6. Coerced Bezos to commit Perjury to convince a Judge to reverse another’s common sense ruling that, of course Bezos and Lauren have relevant testimony to provide in lawsuits centered on Bezos’ dick pics; photos which she secretly saved behind his back as “blackmail materials” — before they were “obtained” by The National Enquirer and used to blackmail Bezos.

7. Unleashed Terry Bird, one of the couple’s army of corrupt attorneys, to threaten to evict Lauren’s eighty-two-year-old mom… on a Sunday; all based on Lauren’s lies and ridiculous claims that she and Bezos were concerned about a potential $96,000 sublease (thousand) — just days after the couple pocketed $8.5 Billion in stock sales (billion with a “b”).

Then, just when it seemed Lauren couldn’t possibly hurt her family more, she did it again! Last week, Lauren demanded our father Ray, give to her son Nikko, as a college graduation gift, the classic 1972 Corvette she gave Ray in July 2020 — as what I sincerely believe was a bribe.

Long story short, in early 2020, with Ray’s 80th birthday coming up in July, Lauren informed him that she and Jeff would be out of the country on his birthday. Ray was devastated by the callous snub. To soften the pain, I stepped in and planned a huge 80th birthday party in Albuquerque.

A few weeks later, Lauren launched her monstrous extortionate plot to silence me; falsely claiming that I incestuously sexually abused her throughout our childhood… in California. Spoiler Alert: We lived in New Mexico throughout our childhood, and I’ve never sexually abused anyone — let alone one of my four sisters. Lauren told the sloppy, monstrous, extortionate lie to our mom, Jeff, her corrupt attorneys, and others.

Then, in a cunning move, Lauren miraculously changed her travel plans, hijacked my birthday party idea, moved it to Seattle, posted shameless “family” selfies on social media, and didn’t invite me or our mother — to this day, my dad’s best friend.

Worried that dad might find the courage to stand up against her monstrous sexual abuse lie, Lauren pulled out all the stops. The Corvette bribe was the icing on the cake. It worked. To this day, even after Lauren and her attorneys conveniently told the Court that the monstrous lie was just a negotiation tactic, and even after he’s not invited to most “family” celebrations, and even after Lauren demanded he give up his Corvette bribe, Ray has never stood up against the monstrous lie which falsely portrayed his gay son as the incestuous sexual abuser of his daughter.

Really think about that. What’s worse? A corrupt justice system which allows unethical attorneys to defame and extort the opposition with false allegations of heinous crimes by simply stating it was part of a negotiation. Or a dad, consumed by money and fame, who doesn’t have the courage to stand up against monstrous lies about his son?

Conveniently claiming their extortionate gambit was an alleged negotiation tactic allowed Lauren and Bird to escape criminal prosecution. But it should’ve instantly generated worldwide reporting about the monstrous crime and sloppy cover-up in which Bezos committed criminal Perjury. And it sure as hell should’ve generated a strong response from our dad.

To be clear, the admission stunt came only after I reported the crime to the FBI and an in-depth investigation by FBI Supervisory Agent Cody Burke who referred the criminal matter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Sadly, due to Bezos’ total control over the global media apparatus, not one media outlet has covered the story of the richest and most famous couple on the planet attempting to extort someone into silence by falsely accusing him of incestuous sexual abuse. Not even chronic failure Joanna Coles who, in a grandstanding stunt, proclaimed sleazy online tabloid The Daily Beast would be hiring a “Senior Lauren Sanchez Correspondent.”

Far worse, even after I reported the false, defamatory, extortionate lie to the FBI — and even after Lauren and her corrupt attorneys pivoted to the negotiation tactic lie which a comically biased Judge bought hook, line, and sinker, Ray has never stood up against his evil daughter’s monstrous lie. And he has never stood up for me.

Eventually, “the next Ronan Farrow” will blow the lid off this totally suppressed scandal. Then, just like the Harvey Weinstein debacle, the evil fame-obsessed perpetrators, corrupt attorneys, clueless Judges, fraud “journalists” like Brad Stone, Sarah Ellison, Coles, and the pack of other ass-kissing sycophants, will be fully exposed. Then, the whole world will know Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez are worse than Weinstein.

Meanwhile… I’ll keep fighting by telling the truth about my sociopath sister and her autistic fame-obsessed puppet.


Stay tuned…