Yes, that's me. Mikey Sackman, the wannabe fisherwoman. One thing I've learned over the years is you don't have to be an expert at something to enjoy doing it. Fishing is something I love doing, but I still have much to learn about the "sport."

It's the same with writing. I love it for a variety of reasons. And I'm pretty good at it. Yet I know, there is plenty more for me to learn...... and so many things to write about. Thank goodness!

Country Life is the Life for Me

I grew up in a small town in western Washington. I was fortunate to spend my summers running barefoot, swimming in the local quarry, and picking wild blackberries for the little old lady next door who graciously baked little treats to give in payment.

As an adult, I moved from western Washington to north central Washington. For those of you picturing Seattle and evergreen trees and ocean beaches, you will be surprised to know that east of the Cascade Mountains is an entirely different world.

In central and eastern Washington you will find farms, ranches, orchards, and plenty of wide open spaces. When I landed here, I knew I found my home.

Getting Personal

My husband and I have a small ranch with a few cattle, a couple of horses, two very spoiled dogs and a wild tomcat that will only come to me.

I also teach fulltime at our local high school. Seems there is never a dull moment in my life and plenty of inspiration for stories.

Can I Write About That? Please?

From a young age I loved reading and writing. But I was shy about sharing any of my poems and stories. It took many years to get over that reluctance. Like fishing, I loved writing enough to just start sharing it and quit worrying that it may not be perfect. The first share is the hardest, by the way!

There are so many things I enjoy writing about, especially anything to do with country life, small communities, rural schools/education, and the contributions of women to our way of life. But I also write about relationships and books I love and food and animals and, well, just about anything that touches my heart.

I should niche it down. I will some day. Maybe. But until then, I will continue to write about what I love while enjoying the view from my front porch.

Check out my Medium publication - My Front Porch

Medium member since November 2019
Editor of My Front Porch
Mikey Sackman

Mikey Sackman

A country gal sharing perceptions on life thru the lense of rural living. Check out my blog at