Entrepreneurial Game Studio (EGS) Citywide Gaming:

Michael Toresco
2 min readNov 29, 2016


While interviewing Arianna Gass, who is the current Programming Manager at the Entrepreneurial Game Studio. I learned that she has been working with the Entrepreneurial Game Studio for three years. What is the Entrepreneurial Game Studio? The Entrepreneurial Game Studio is Drexel resource for students who are looking to develop games, it a development studio and publisher that is focused on developing the next generation of student leaders in the mobile gaming industry. In my interview with Arianna Gass I learned what Citywide gaming was and that there primary goal is to reclaim public space for play and break away from the normal.

In the recent years Citywide gaming has done two huge projects the one that they are most know for is using retro gaming they created the world largest tetris game, while the other was playing pong in 2013 on the same building. They made the worlds largest tetras game by using the lights on the Cira Centre building.

In order to create this giant game of tetris it took a lot of time and hard work. It took five years alone to get access in order to be able to use the Citra Centre. There was a lot of programming that had to be done for a huge project like tetris. Citywide gaming used python to write the code needed for tetris and had to use a lot of trouble shooting to fix problems like information overload(lag) so the tetris could be played without any problems.

The last question I asked Arianna Gass was what will the next big project be in the near future for Citywide gaming. I was told that Citywide gaming team is co-creating a gaming experience in Philadelphia that will be based on book War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells and Orson Wells. Using content from the book the studio plans to create a gaming experience for all ages using the city landscape. I hope to be able to experience there next project first hand and I am very that I will be able to experience A project created by the EGS first hand.

I very much enjoyed learning about the Entrepreneurial Game Studio as an engineer and student that is obsessed with video games, and I cannot wait to experience there next project first hand. I one day hope that I will work on a project like this one in the future or even create my own game for other entertainment.

