A Poem - Water Lily

Miki Angelis
2 min readJun 14, 2023
Water Lily

Petals spread widely
Yet narrow enough for bees to hide
The more the petals shine
The darker it shadows the water
The deeper the mud
The purer the flower becomes

Morning dew wakes up the buds still asleep
With one or two drops, they slowly open their eyes
Pour those drops on their cheeks onto leaves
Drawing polka dots on the leaves

Trees praise the drawing
Birds start to chirp and spread their praise
Bees clap with their wings
I listen to the echo

“Lotus in the mud” is one of my favourite quotes. Whenever I see lotus flowers, I recall this quote and wonder how I could be like them. It is not easy to be a lotus in the mud. I easily become part of the mud or soak myself in the mud without knowing it, and once so it takes time for me to recover. I have been endlessly repeating this cycle. Should I just give up?

I do not have a lotus pond near my place, but I do have something similar - water lily pond. Now they are blooming one by one, every morning. The pond is tranquil in the early morning, and I enjoy silence within myself. That is the moment when the trees whispering and birds singing are somewhat far away and bugs flapping are much closer.



Miki Angelis

Freestyle fiction stories & poems (including Haiku style poems). Business Inquiries: m.international.jp@gmail.com