Tanka Poem - Mossy Pond

Miki Angelis
2 min readJul 11, 2023

A Tanka poem about the mossy pond and leaves.

A picture from “Water Lily Pond” I go to. I love the rhythm they play - Natural and surprising.

Moss softly paves the pond

A leave falls on the surface and float

Others join, one after another

Water crests busily topping on each other

Another summer moment quietly passes with unseen

Well, I saw it and I wrote about it, then it was not quite “unseen”. I am glad that I did not miss the moment and bring this to you all like this.
So many beautiful things are unnoticed. They occur just anywhere anytime but their intention is not to show off. That egoless nature of it captures our hearts. That moment is what makes us poets. Lucky, aren’t we.

Talking about Haiku and pond, Basho, the Haiku master has some prominent works themed around “summer”. One of them is about a pond and a frog and himself. He is not only an observer there but he is united with the scene. This is another beautiful moment where there is nobody else but him and the pond and the frog, witnessing something subtle but moving. In a way, he is alone but not really alone after all. Maybe the frog made a water crest in Basho’s heart, too.

His works are composed in Japanese but many tried to translate them into English and that ended up with someone…



Miki Angelis

Freestyle fiction stories & poems (including Haiku style poems). Business Inquiries: m.international.jp@gmail.com