The summary of “Strength Training Anatomy” by Frederic Delavier

Mikko Juntunen
3 min readJun 25, 2023


“Strength Training Anatomy” by Frederic Delavier is a comprehensive guide to understanding the anatomy and mechanics of strength training exercises. Through detailed illustrations and explanations, Delavier provides readers with a deep understanding of how each exercise targets specific muscles and how proper form and technique can maximize the effectiveness of their workouts.

The book begins with an overview of the musculoskeletal system, including the structure and function of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Delavier explains the importance of understanding anatomy when designing a strength training program and highlights the key muscles involved in various exercises.

The core of “Strength Training Anatomy” lies in its extensive collection of illustrations and descriptions of exercises. Delavier covers a wide range of exercises for different muscle groups, including the chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, and core. Each exercise is depicted with detailed illustrations that show the involved muscles in action, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to perform the exercise correctly.

In addition to showcasing individual exercises, Delavier provides valuable information on training techniques, equipment, and workout programming. He explains the concept of muscle balance and how to create a well-rounded training program that targets all major muscle groups. Delavier also covers common variations and modifications for exercises, allowing readers to adapt them to their specific needs and limitations.

One of the strengths of “Strength Training Anatomy” is Delavier’s focus on proper form and technique. He highlights the importance of maintaining correct body alignment, avoiding excessive momentum, and engaging the target muscles throughout each exercise. This emphasis on form helps readers reduce the risk of injury and maximize the effectiveness of their workouts.

Throughout the book, Delavier incorporates anatomical illustrations that overlay the muscular system onto the human body. This unique visual approach allows readers to understand how each exercise affects specific muscles and muscle groups. The illustrations also highlight the importance of proper joint alignment and muscle activation during exercise.

In addition to its emphasis on exercise execution, “Strength Training Anatomy” addresses important concepts related to strength training. Delavier explains the principles of muscle adaptation, including the concepts of progressive overload and specificity, which are crucial for continuous progress and avoiding plateaus. He also provides guidelines on sets, repetitions, and rest periods, helping readers optimize their training variables based on their goals.

Delavier’s writing style is clear and accessible, making complex anatomical concepts understandable for readers of all backgrounds. His explanations are supported by scientific research and practical experience, providing a balanced approach to strength training. The book’s organization and layout make it easy to navigate and reference specific exercises, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced strength trainers.

In summary, “Strength Training Anatomy” by Frederic Delavier is a comprehensive guide to understanding the anatomy and mechanics of strength training exercises. Through detailed illustrations and clear explanations, Delavier provides readers with the knowledge and tools to perform exercises correctly, target specific muscles effectively, and design well-rounded strength training programs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced strength trainer, this book serves as an invaluable resource for optimizing your workouts and achieving your strength and fitness goals.

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