How To Bridge $POP (Ethereum <> Optimism)

1 min readFeb 25, 2023


Bridging a token from Ethereum network to Optimism involves using a cross-chain bridge to transfer the token from one chain to the other. Here are the general steps you can follow:

  1. Choose a cross-chain bridge that supports bridging tokens between Ethereum and Optimism chains. We recommend using the Optimism bridge found here

2. Connect your Ethereum wallet to the bridge’s interface, Select the POP token from the token list and enter the amount you wish to transfer.

3. Confirm the transaction and pay the associated fees. The transaction will be processed on the Ethereum chain. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Ethereum chain. This can take some several minutes or a couple seconds, once the transaction is confirmed, the bridge will mint the same amount of POP tokens on the Optimism chain and add them to your address.

