How to Logout of Instagram Website

3 min readJun 10, 2024

How to Logout of Instagram Website

Are you looking for a way to log out of your Instagram account on the website? It’s very simple and quick. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you log out of Instagram on a web browser.

Step-by-Step Guide to Logout of Instagram Website

  1. Open Instagram Website: Go to and log in if you are not already logged in.
  2. Go to Your Profile: Click on your profile picture located at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Open Settings: In the drop-down menu, click on the “Settings” option.
  4. Logout: Scroll down and find the “Log Out” button at the bottom of the settings menu. Click it.
  5. Confirm Logout: You will be logged out of your Instagram account and redirected to the login page.

That’s it! You have successfully logged out of your Instagram account on the website.

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How to Logout of Instagram Website

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Logout Of Instagram Website?

Click on your profile icon, select ‘Logout’ from the dropdown menu.

Where Is The Logout Option On Instagram?

The logout option is located in the dropdown menu under your profile icon.

Can I Logout Of Instagram On Multiple Devices?

Yes, you need to manually logout from each device.

Why Can’t I Find Logout On Instagram?

Ensure you’re on the correct page. The logout option is under your profile icon.

