3 tips to beginners who feel learning coding is overwhelming

Milan Jolly
2 min readMar 22, 2023


Does learning how to code feels too overwhelming for a beginner? Especially when you are learning on your own. Let me share three things that have worked for me.

Learn one step at a time

When there is some new language or a tech stack to learn, I have seen that learning one step at a time helps a lot initially. Learn one thing at a time instead of trying to use everything at once. Once you learn things separately, stitching it all together is a lot easier.

Take breaks

Working all day in front of a computer initially feels very draining if you are new to it. Taking breaks helps. I take small breaks during the day. This helps in better focus while at work. There is a technique called as Pomodoro technique for working with breaks. You can see if it works for you or not!

Take care of your health

This is a no-brainer really. There are countless surveys to show why taking care of your health and regular workout helps. Especially when you are learning new things. But personally, I have seen that whenever I have kept my physical workout on, my overall performance at work or learning new things has significantly gotten better. I didn’t use to take care of my health initially and I wasn’t growing as a person at that time. I also got some diseases from that time. I have seen both sides and decided for myself that at least 10 minutes of physical workout is a must. It works very well for me. See if it works for you or not!

You can try out these tips. Let me know in the comments what do you think!



Milan Jolly

Software Developer — Amazon | Writing helpful tips for people who want to become self taught software engineers