2 min readMar 7, 2022



What is Photon ?

Photon is a relatively fast crawler designed for automating OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) with a simple interface and tons of customization options. It’s designed by S0md3v and is written in one of my most favorite language, Python. Photon essentially acts as a web crawler which is able to extract URLs with parameters, also able to fuzz them, Secret AUTH keys and a lot more.

Step 1 :- Installation .

For installation of Photon we have to do clone git url on our kali linux for this type following command.

git clone

Then we have to enter in Photon by type following command.

cd Photon (for enter in photon directory)

ls (for showing list)

Step 2 :- Installation requirements packages.

For using Photon we have to install requirements packages (requirements .txt).

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 3 :- Help

For using Photon we have to see help of this . By typing following commands

python3 — help

Step 4 :- syntax

Basic syntax of Photon is showing below.

you can add options if you want .

For more tutorials related to cybersecurity and bug hunting follow me o

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linkedln :- milan-jain




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