Free time? What free time?

2 min readDec 13, 2017

After reading an article called “There is no free time” It’s become much clearer to me where all my spare time actually goes. Because I keep wondering how is it possible to go to bed literally in the morning sometimes without having much on your plate. And it’s not the things around us that distruct us and take our time away, no, that’s not the point, it’s all about our priorities, our will and motivation to do something. For example, I’ve been willing to read this one book for quite a long time, cause I read the description a while ago and it seemed to speak to me a lot. But I keep telling myself that I’ll read it as soon as I’m on holidays, cause, apparently, I will have plenty of time. But hey, is there really such a thing as free time?

Read. TV. Video games. Nap. Exercise. Socialize. Social media. Hike. If you’re doing anything like this in your free time, it’s no longer free time. It’s used time, productive or not.

And it makes sense, right? But my point is that I just put some other things first, not that one book. I come home, have dinner, do my homework and watch some TV shows. I should also probably mention that I spend quite a lot of time surfing the internet and chatting with my friends while I could have been actually reading. So, once again, it’s all about our priorities.

So, the article turned out to be quite interesting and helpful. I couldn’t agree more with the author’s words. I’d like to conclude with this quote: “What are you doing in your life, relationships, and college or professional career that is nonessential and non-priority that, if something more important and meaningful came up, you could stop doing? Right there, that’s your answer to any excuse you’ve ever given about “not having the time.””

