webdesignrepo V2.0

Ben Mildren
3 min readOct 24, 2016


New design, new features, new repos.

Old Design (Left) vs New Design (Right)

After a small hiatus, webdesignrepo is back with a bang.


webdesignrepo ended up being ~1200 links strong. Whilst this might seem good, it just ended up being cluttered with a lot of poor quality resources, dead links and links that are only tangentially related to Web Design.

At the beginning of the redesign I knew this was a major issue, so I went through every link, removing poor quality and dead links. The ~1200 links shrunk to ~400, all top quality, just like it’s meant to be. The focus on quality is back.

The issue remained with the subject matter of the links though. A lot of the links were JS centric, Startup/Business or even backend heavy. To remedy this I added a ‘subrepo’ system. V2.0 is launching with 3 subrepos: Web Design, FrontEnd and Startups. I’ll be adding more as time goes on, but the quality has to be there so they will take time. Subrepos are covered better at the end of the article.


The old design began to show it’s age and was in desperate need of a lick of paint. The fresh new design focuses on typography, white-space and minimalism.

Having a navigation panel and an additions panel cluttered the website before; now there is a combined Sections and New side nav which allows the main area to breathe.


New notifications

Never miss a link again with the new New notifications.

The New section shows the past 14 days worth links that have been added. It’ll also notify you how many you haven’t seen.


Each link now has accompanying tags.

Currently there are only 2: Paid and Book. They act as a clear and quick identifier for paid resources and books. The system can be expanded quite easily to include other tags, which will likely happen in the future.


As stated in the Links above, webdesignrepo is now divided into 3 subrepos: Web Design, FrontEnd and Startups. Dividing the site into subrepos allows it to be much better organised and easier to navigate. A fourth subrepo will be worked on soon, but I’m being very careful and will not add one if it is not needed, trying to avoid the clutter from V1.0. Tweet at us to vote on what you think the next should be.


Having a good collection of resources for learning is great, but when ordered alphabetically where do you start? We now have a super simple tracks system to show the order that’s best to learn things in.

Final Thoughts

I really hope you all like webdesignrepo V2.0. I’ve been quite meticulous with the design process and hope everyone enjoys it. I’ve concentrated on starting small with V2.0. Only 2 tags, only 3 subrepos. I want to perfect them before expanding. Feedback is greatly appreciated, either here or on Twitter.

