Mile High H2o

Mile High H2o
1 min readOct 10, 2019

Water has been said to be life. It’s a fundamental and undeniable truth. Without water, it can not be life as we know it. Just about everything you want water. Our own bodies need water to support the endless metabolic reactions that occur all the time, and we also need water to cook and clean.

No wonder there is actually a large percentage of our bodies liquid! A number of environmental factors, however, make it difficult for water to maintain certain properties necessary for its various uses. For this reason, ways of making water even more useful by ionizing it have been designed.

Much has been said about the benefits of alkaline ionized water. But what is the alkaline ionized water? Ionized water is a liquid that underwent an ionization process. We can get both alkaline and acidic ionized water by using devices called the ionizer unit. Ionized liquid can be used both for cleaning and drinking.



Mile High H2o

Mile High H20 is a small business with big growth plans! Through the collaboration and financial support of an immensely qualified board of investors.