Milennial Mommy To Be
3 min readDec 18, 2020

Welcome to the Millennial Mommy To Be Blog

Going crazy, think you might be pregnant? That is why I started this blog!

I don’t want any bad luck since I am only writing this and I am about 4 weeks and I believe my HCG levels are two low to be show on a home pregnancy test, but I am just in awe. This month, I knew something was different, especially since I tracked my ovulation and my partner and I had intercourse around the perfect time.

So if this blog brought you here than you are also not crazy and experience early pregnancy symptoms just like me. Here are 3dpo-13dpo (days post ovulation) signs and symptoms I just have a feeling I am pregnant. Nov. 26th- Dec. 3rd fertile window. Ovulation Dec.2nd. Period due Dec. 17. Temperate has been consistent through cycle, minus a couple days of hot flashes. Didn’t note cervix mucus until 6dpo.

3dpo- day after intercourse

  • Felt nauseous after dinner
  • * Super tired, had 2 naps and felt very sluggish
  • * Cramps (I know super early, but I just know because I dont experience period cramping 2 weeks before)
  • * Headache more like a migraine
  • * Bloating
  • * I also had a very high sex drive, it was a weekend and lets just say we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other
  • * last symptom that I logged and felt was off, were really sensitive nipples – left one


  • Still had cramping/ tingling sensations
  • * Bloated
  • * TMI diarrhea like bad


  • cramps continued
  • * Bloated
  • * Very fatigue, again couldn’t keep eyes open
  • * Diarrhea day 2


  • Cramps continued
  • * Bloating as always
  • * Then after 2 days of bad diarrhea I was constipated
  • * Watery cervix mucus


  • Cramps continued
  • * Watery cervix music
  • * runny nose which I found super weird…


  • Took home pt test which was negative
  • * Cramps continued
  • * Bloated
  • * Tender breast
  • * Constipated


  • Home pt negative
  • * Cramps continued
  • * Nauseous
  • * Diarrhea came back (could of been from coffee)
  • * Noticed heartburn


  • Home pt negative
  • * Very moody (mood swings, emotional)
  • * Headache
  • * Fatigue, very very fatigue
  • * Body aches
  • * Constipated.
  • * Water cervix mucus


  • Home pt negative
  • * Cramps continued
  • * Super tired


  • Still very cramping
  • * Took pt test late evening was negative
  • * Pretty fatigue

13dpo (today)

  • Took pt test this morning and was negative
  • * cramp/ tingle sensations. continued
  • * Had intercourse late evening and had spotting nothing else…

So far this is all I have. I know every pregnancy is different. Some woman may have symptoms and some may not. Do not count yourself out if you keep getting negative home test. Baby dust to you and myself as well. Hoping this is the month and I will be able to surprise the babe with a early Christmas miracle.

Xxx Millennial Mommy to be