Before the Battle

How To Defeat Red In HeartGold/SoulSilver |Miles Matias

Miles Christopher Matias
7 min readApr 7, 2022


I would recommend training pokemon straight from the start of the game that can defeat Red. A Pokemon I wish I had a part of my team is Ampharos. It is definitely an underrated pokemon. That is probably my biggest regret about playing Heart Gold. I tailored my team to beat the Elite 4, not Red. I read many articles saying you can beat Red with base 65–70 but that is not true. I would recommend 75–80. At level 70's Red’s Pikachu took down all my pokemon. You do have to use the HM Rock Climb so I went to the HM deleter and took away my Feraligators “Surf” and gave it Rock climb temporarily. I have all 3 starters but only use Typlhosion and Feraligator, Red Gyrados, Dragonite, Gengar, and I switch between Mewtwo and another stand-in pokemon for my 6th pokemon like Meganium or Pidgeot when I need to fly somewhere. I have beaten Red 3 times, my pokemon average levels are 78–82.

My Main Team And Team For Red
Fighting a Legend

Red’s Pikachu (Level 88)

His Pikachu is level 88, extremely tough, and holds a light ball that doubles Pikachu's attack and special attack. Steelix would be the ideal matchup against Pikachu but I used Dragonite. Pikachu’s move set is Volt Tackle(a very cool-looking move yet very strong. Almost takes down Dragonite every time, Iron Tail (so using a rock type like Onix wouldn’t be a good idea), Quick Attack, and Thunderbolt, which makes Steelix the best matchup. My Dragonite’s move set it Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, and Earthquake, making it my most versatile pokemon. I plan to change Thunderbolt with Thunderpuch, and Flamethrower with fire punch when I want to farm heart scales. To defeat Pikachu I use 1 earthquake to take him down. He’ll obviously do a Volt Tackle first but I always take him down with Earthquake on the first try.

Pikachu vs Dragonite
Dragonite Moveset

Snorlax (Level 82)

I have read that this is a tough pokemon but it is actually quite easy. Here is my strategy… Fighting Red there is a constant hail buffetting Red’s and your pokemon. I use my Feraligator which has “Superpower” 120 attack/100 accuracy/fighting type move. I will let the hail get Snorlax to yellow health then hit him with a superpower. I usually use a hyper potion each turn on my pokemon until Red’s Snorlax yellow health. The ideal matchup to defeat Snorlax would be a Machamp. I just made do with Feraligator. Snorlax’s move set is Giga Impact (very strong and can 1 hit you), Crunch (dark type), Shadow ball (ghost type), and Blizzard (ice type). So you need to be very selective on the pokemon you use on Snorlax as his move set allows him to take down many pokemon. Another thing to note is because it is “hailing” the attack “blizzard” never misses. So using a pokemon weak to Ice would not be a good idea.

Ferligator vs Snorlax

Lapras (Level 80)

This Pokemon will require more strategy as you can’t use the hail damage to bring down the Pokemon's health. I use Feraligator, use 1 rock climb attack, and 1 superpower to take out Lapras (Lapras is weak to fighting type moves so Superpower was great for the knockout attack). Feraligator makes this very easy. Lapras’ move set is Brine (a detrimental water attack if you are below half health as it will deal double damage), Blizzard, Psychic, and Body Slam. I think a good counter to Lapras would be an Ampharos or a Lapras with the attack Thunder. Ideally, Ampharos would be the best counter but I was able to manage just fine with Feraligators “superpower.” Lapras does have a massive amount of HP so you will need to get it to yellow health before doing your finishing move.

Ferlaigator vs Lapra

Venasaur (Level 84)

This has got to be the most beautiful of the Kanto starters. It is such a great-looking Pokemon. Venasuar's move set is Sludge bomb, Sleep powder, Giga drain, and frenzy plant. Sleep powder is extremely annoying as it puts your pokemon to sleep and a sludge bomb is very annoying as it has a very high rate of poisoning your pokemon. The obvious matchup is a Typlhosion with the move “eruption.” Mewtwo with “Ice Beam” could be a pretty good matchup. If you don’t have Typhlosion then you could get a Growlithe early on in-game. Do the research I’ll leave a link below. The benefit of fighting Venasaur with most pokemon is its speed is low. A solid fire type or ice type could take him down in one hit. The only problem with Venasaur starts if it hits you. Take it down before it hits you.

Typhlosion vs Venasaur

Charizard (Level 84)

In my opinion, this is the easiest of Red’s pokemon. Charizard knows Flare Blitz, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, and Air Slash. A good matchup is Gyrados. I always catch Red Gyrados and have him part of my team. I use my Red Gyrados’ move waterfall to take down Charizard. Gyrados can tank all of Charizard's moves. Another good matchup is a Tyranitar, but you get a Larvitar so late in the game I don’t see it as very worth it. A solid rock or water type can take down Charizard easily. At level 70 Red Gyrados can two hit Charizard with waterfall while tanking any hit.

Red Gyrados Vs Charizard

Blastoise (Level 84)

Blastoise is a very tough pokemon if you don’t have an electric or grass-type pokemon. Red’s Blastoise knows Blizzard, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, and Hydro Cannon making it a very tough pokemon. With high defense, Blastoise can take your toughest attacks as well. The best matchup would be an Ampharos. You could use a Raichu but low defense would get you taken down quickly. I personally used Genger which may seem to be an odd matchup. I use hypnosis and 2 shadow ball attacks to take him down. I would not use a grass type as Blastoise’s move “Blizzard” is too powerful and would take you out. Your best bet is using an electric type that can KO him or getting creative as I did with Gengar.

Gengar vs Blastoise

When you beat Red he will leave the mountain and the game credits will start to roll. Press on the touch screen to initiate the save and then when you reload you’ll be alone on the mountain. TAKE YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACE AS CHAMPION!!! Professor Oak will give you a call and ask to see you. When you visit Oak he will give you a choice of one of the three Kanto Starters. I chose Charmander! You can google how to get one of the Sinnoh starters as well. Defeating Red will open up the game to all End game content. My plan is to rematch all 16 gym leaders and do everything I can to complete my Pokedex.

Thank you for your time in reading my article. Please subscribe for more content and to build my account.


All the websites I researched before I fought Red

Works Cited

“ How Do I Defeat Red? Pokemon HeartGold Version.” Https://Gamefaqs.Gamespot.Com/, Accessed 5 Apr. 2022.

geodudedude. “Best Way to Train to Beat Red in HeartGold? — PokéBase Pokémon Answers.” Pokémon Database — the Fastest Way to Get Your Pokémon Information, Accessed 5 Apr. 2022.

“Growlithe Line/HGSS | Project NuzlockeDex Wiki | Fandom.” Project NuzlockeDex Wiki, Accessed 5 Apr. 2022.

“Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: Full Walkthrough.” Psypoke — The Psychic Pokémon Connection, Accessed 5 Apr. 2022.

wikiHow. “How to Defeat Red in Heartgold/Soulsilver: 8 Steps (with Pictures).” WikiHow, wikiHow, 6 May 2010,



Miles Christopher Matias

For all the things I want to do in my life I wish I lived 5 lifetimes.