Your company or event deserves better.

3 min readOct 29, 2015


When was the last time your lunch, dinner or event looked like this? This is now the standard we set every single day at Miles & Company.

We offer a truly premium experience that is tailored exactly to what each individual client wants. They set the requirements and we work to overdeliver on those wants each and everytime. We believe this is the standard that you should now expect and we give you the option to choose it.

A Miles & Company delivery.

Providing this level of service to a large range of clients is not easy — it’s a complex myriad of operational and technology challenges. Since our shift from Fluc to Miles & Company — we have remained entirely true to our word to deliver a premium experience each and every time.

Working with restaurants, preparing serving materials, ensuring our Miles Professionals team have all the information they need for each client, co-ordinating large scale deliveries & setup of lunches, dinners and events — involves a lot of teamwork. We even allow our clients to have multiple cuisine selections each and every day.

That’s right, you can have multiple restaurant cuisine selections delivered each and every day.

From multiple operational staff training sessions to ensuring our engineering team is adequately running and improving our logistics, capacity planning, meal planning and other complex systems is now the new normal. It’s a completely different logistics operation from consumer based delivery where the traditional distributed model of current driver location to restaurant to customer is the standard mode of operation.

Now it’s the spoke-hub model of logistics transportation and that comes with its own set of challenges. Of course, we have a number of ways to avoid some of the traditional mathematical drawbacks of this model utilizing the technology that we already developed from the consumer market (I’ll go into this in another future post) which allows us to do things that other companies tackling the space simply can’t. It’s a unique twist on consumer-esk-corporate that few companies have ever undertaken.

For us — it’s an exciting opportunity to truly apply & build advanced engineering systems to completely change the way companies and businesses expect their food to arrive.

The operational roll out that we have achieved in a short-space of time is a true testament to our team of people and the hard work we are doing to really change the way that our clients have been served in the past.

If your company is looking for a real change in the way you get food delivered for your team or event — you should absolutely sign up and get started right now. Your entire company will love you for it.

