Miles Wood Becomes Prime Minister Of Cleveland High School

1 min readNov 10, 2022


Miles Walden Wood petitions for Prime Minister of Cleveland High School in Portland Oregon, and gets the position! Giving him the ability to access all cabinet meetings and vote on certain things. He will only take on the responsibilities and tasks he decides on, so that he can focus on his various other responibilities. Such as bringing the bowling team, The Cleveland Hookers to a state champion this year! Aswell as puting the work in cermics to “make the best pot in school.”

Upon winning the position he say “Im honored and exited. This year to come be nothing less than lit, crazy, moive!” before saying “love you” to the interviewer as he walks off.

Local Cleveland High Student William Phillip says “It’s amazing he must feel like the King of Cleveland, but its a different government system than that”

Written by Susan Walker

Love you.

