Harnessing the Untapped Potential of Midlife ADHD: A Tailored Method for Cultivating Motivation.

Mili Burnette - Divergent Means
4 min readJan 20, 2024


I used to believe that achieving goals required sheer willpower and intention. However, my perspective shifted as I consistently found myself frustrated by the challenge of mustering the energy needed to follow through with my ambitions. Despite having a willing mind and strong enthusiasm for my goals, transforming intentions into reality demanded an overwhelming amount of energy leading me to question the normalcy of this difficulty.

Understanding the concept of “motivation” has always been a curiosity that has eluded me throughout my life. It has acted as a barrier preventing me from reaching personal and professional goals I set for myself over the last few decades, urging me to explore more effective approaches.

Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash

Fortunately, a significant turning point occurred when I discovered my ADHD later in life. This newfound understanding not only validated my frustration but also provided a guiding light on strategies that effortlessly align with my natural inclinations.

I came across an article by Dr. William Dodson that provides a concise summary of the conditions required to tap into the hyperfocus state for individuals with ADHD. Additionally, I found Jessica McCabe’s book, “How To



Mili Burnette - Divergent Means

I write about simple mindset strategies to help those of us with scattered minds develop focus and consistency for success.