4 Things to Know About MilkCoin — In Numbers!

3 min readNov 14, 2017


Dear supporters,

With just one day remaining to the launch of the MilkCoin ICO, we’ve been very busy with preparations and improvements to every single aspect of our project.

We’re only a small team, so ensuring that potential investors have their concerns and questions addressed can take up a significant part of our time. But we just wanted to make sure that you know we do not forget our priorities: our investors and supporters.

Nevertheless, we take a little time to bring you a quick look and overview of the MilkCoin investment opportunity, focusing on some of the numbers behind our project, which you can find in full details on our openly available 99-page Business Plan. We hope you enjoy it!

1. 2,400 dairy cows

If the MilkCoin is successful in raising all of the necessary funds in the upcoming ICO, the plan is to construct facilities large enough to hold 2,400 dairy cows that is key to the raw milk production aspect of our operation.

In addition, we have plans for up to 2,300 animals of growing stock and 290 feeder male calves

If you’ve never seen what that number of cows look like, be sure to check out our progress updates when we’re up and running!

The commercial dairy farm will also include the more than 20 buildings and structures, including cattle houses, maternity buildings, milking parlours and calf boxes.

If we reach our hard cap, our expansion will include an increase in the livestock to twice the number to 4,800 milk cattle with a daily production capacity of up to 100 tons of milk, the development of milk processing and its own sales network!

2. 7,000 hectares of land

That’s 17,297.38 acres, in case you’re wondering. Where did you think we were going to put our 2,400 cows and thousands of other animals?

The best thing about this vast expanse of land is that we already own more than half of it (3,668 hectares), bought and paid for with our own money years ago. We’ve got the land deeds to prove it too, accessible on our website under our Documents page!

In addition, we will build up 41 hectares (101 acres) of buildings and infrastructure. Therefore, much of the ICO funds will go towards construction of much-needed facilities for our commercial dairy farm, including: 8 buildings for livestock breeding; 2 milking halls; a site infrastructure, roads and manure lagoons.

3. 20.5 million litres of milk

The MilkCoin project is expected to produce more than 20 million litres of milk per year, should we achieve our funding objectives.

This equals to 2.7% of the total milk consumption in Voronezh region and 0.4% of milk consumption in the Central Federal District. This means that 1 in every 40 litres of milk consumed in Voronezh will come from our farm!

All this, and still Voronezh has a deficit milk consumption of 163 thousand tonnes.

A potential market share is due to the import substitution, as the milk and dairy product was still heavily reliant on foreign imports before the embargos happened in 2010. Currently, MilkCoin will benefit from a huge gap owing to import share in the Russian market: 22- 30% for milk (various estimates), 30 % for beef. These are our potential niche markets!

4. 200 jobs and RUB 400 million ($ 6.64 million) development contribution

MilkCoin is of course a business that prioritises profit. This is what we guarantee and this is what we will work for. Nevertheless, our enterprise will ensure that it fulfils its social obligations as an enterprise to contribute to the Voronezh region and the local communities we will work with.

At minimum, our operation will employ 50 people. But if our maximum funding is reached through the ICO, we will employ 200 people working for MilkCoin and HSK. Our estimates also show that the project will contribute 400 million rubles (or over 6.6 million dollars) of taxes and social contributions to the Khokholsky municipal district and the entire Voronezh region.

Learn more about MilkCoin

Having worked in the industry for years, we are very excited about the prospects of the MilkCoin ICO, which will launch on 15 November 2017. We invite you to follow us here on Medium for more daily insight into the project.

You can also read more, ask questions or join the discussions on the following channels:

1. Website: https://milkcoin.io/en/

2. Whitepaper: https://milkcoin.io/en/Whitepaper-EN.pdf

3. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MilkCoin

4. Twitter: https://twitter.com/milkcoinico?lang=en

5. Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2286652.0

6. Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/D3ajrRCxVZ5vnVw-QvzSVg

7. Bounties: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2286798

8. Medium: https://medium.com/@milkcoinico/

Participate in the largest real business Russian ICO at MilkCoin!

