Frequently Asked Questions about MilkCoin

4 min readNov 4, 2017


Dear supporters,

Over the past few weeks, we’ve received a flurry of emails and questions with a lot of interesting questions from the public. We’ve decided to share some of them here with you, since they are important to know and learn about the business.

We will continue to publish more questions as they come, so don’t hesitate to ask if you’ve got burning issues to clarify!

1. Dear MilkCoin, there are so many ICOs out there. Some are backed by famous crypto people, with cool technology and crypto developments. Does the MilkCoin token have a special innovation or feature?

I’m glad you asked! Take a look at all the new projects out there, with at least 1 ICO popping up every day. What do they have in common? They all claim to be the “first decentralised solution to X problem” and they all claim to need an ICO to “disrupt X economy/market/industry”.

But if you look at the basic underlying infrastructure of these projects, you find a shocking lack of substance. There are no development teams, no product, not even $100 of their own funding.

The father of all crypto projects was Bitcoin. It did not need an ICO, it needed literally hundreds of developers and skilled programmers to tweak and form a solution that until today is not perfect.

MilkCoin does not claim to have an innovative solution. Our product is straightforward: milk and dairy products. Our strategy is simple: operate an enterprise in an industry that needs us badly.

The MilkCoin ICO is simply a tokenised model for investment and profit distribution. It allows us to tap into global funds, it allows people all over the world to access this unique opportunity in Russia. And because of our company set-up, it protects your funds against possible future legislation because this is an investment.

2. One year seems like a long time to wait for profits. What can I do while waiting?

This is another problem caused by ICOs. ICOs made so much money so quickly that people have forgotten that in the real world, a real business with real products take time. We are not going to promise you instant profits built on empty promises. But we can tell you that we are extremely prepared to start operations as soon as funding is confirmed. And because we have done everything beforehand, we can already start profiting within the first year of operations.

Also, once tokens are distributed, we will start listing them on exchanges. There is potential for profit there should our tokens become highly sought after and are in demand due to their limited status.

3. ICOs tend to be active but then fall quiet after they are over. What kind of updates can I look forward to from MilkCoin after the ICO?

As you can see from our website, we aren’t just an ICO with huge marketing teams. We don’t put out big updates and newsletters. We don’t have any famous crypto people being our ambassadors.

But you can already see the detailed documentation that we prepared even before launching this ICO. In addition, as stated in our white paper once we start operations, all investors will receive our quarterly Reports and Statements along with dividend distributions, just like a real business would.

4. I have Bitcoin, Litecoin and other crypto but MilkCoin is accepting ETH. Is there a way for me to invest my other cryptos?

Unfortunately, we have decided to accept only ETH for our ICO. We foresee many unnecessary difficulties in managing a wide cryptocurrency portfolio, and we intend to liquidate the crypto into fiat anyway, as that is needed to run our business.

There are many instant exchanges with low fees out there that you can convert your crypto into ETH. We advise you to do this soon so you can participate in our ICO. There’s still plenty of time!

Also, currently we are working out the opportunity of investing in BTC and Eth using exchangers and other markets. This option will be available only for ‘logged in’ users

5. The dividends and buyback are fixed rates. How does MilkCoin guarantee the profits?

If you look at our Business Plan, which is available freely for you to read, you can see 99 pages of solid market research, including pricing plans, market analysis and profit projections. We already know how much things will cost us. Therefore, we have a clear idea on operational costs and we can make accurate projections on nett profit based on retail prices of our products.

We know our market, our economy, and we have years of combined experience in the agricultural sector!

6. What is the Ruble keeps weakening? Will this affect profit rates?

We are well prepared for this outcome. As you can see in our Business Plan and Profit Projections, everything is costed in US dollars. This is also why everything will be converted to a fixed USD value after the ICO, from token value to funds raised during the ICO. This will provide us a good basis for stable costing and pricing for years to come, even if the Ruble continues its weakening trend.

7. Will there ever be new MilkCoin tokens issued after the ICO? Where can I buy more after the ICO?

There will never be any new tokens issued so you should get them during the ICO! You can always buy more once the tokens are listed in exchanges, but we can’t guarantee you will get them at the same prices at the ICO, as they will be in great demand!

Learn more about MilkCoin

Having worked in the industry for years, we are very excited about the prospects of the MilkCoin ICO, which will launch on 15 November 2017. We invite you to follow us here on Medium for more daily insight into the project.

You can also read more, ask questions or join the discussions on the following channels:

1. Website:

2. Whitepaper:

3. Facebook:

4. Twitter:

5. Bitcointalk:

6. Telegram:

7. Bounties:

8. Medium:

Participate in the largest real business Russian ICO at MilkCoin!

