MilkCoin: a unique investment opportunity in a Russian agricultural enterprise

4 min readNov 1, 2017


What makes a good investment?

It’s a common question that is asked, especially in the crypto sphere, where hundreds and thousands of people are flocking online, attracted by the explosion of cryptocurrency. The year 2017 has already seen Bitcoin’s value rise more than 500%, while alternative cryptos like Ethereum have risen 6,000% or more. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) themselves have gained recognition as an efficient tool for venture capitalism, raising $ 2.3 billion dollars so far, according to Forbes.

But as many newcomers have learnt, there is no such thing as instant profits and guaranteed growth. Mammoth ICOs like SONM and Bancor raised hundreds of millions of dollars in their ICOs, touting incredible innovative technology. But most ICO participants lost value on their tokens as prices crashed after initial listing profits. Today, they continue to struggle.

Investments in crypto can be tricky, partly because very few ICO and crypto projects have anything solid beyond ideas yet to be developed, products yet to be completed, even employees yet to be hired.

In the real world, there are solid traits of a business opportunity that investors look for to help them decide if the opportunity represents a good investment. While it’s difficult to find opportunities that have all these traits, this is one of the stark differences with the MilkCoin project, one that sets it apart from the hundreds of ICO opportunities currently out there

Here are the 4 traits that make the MilkCoin project a solid investment prospect.

1. MilkCoin has long-term viability — not two or three years, but 14 years and beyond

If you see a business that you don’t see yourself owning shares in for the next ten years, then you should stay away. Crypto investments are typically short-sighted, as can be seen from a lack of plans that last even longer than 2 or 3 years.

The MilkCoin project has been in development since 2012, and has financial model that stretches out all the way into 2031 — that’s a minimum of 14 years from next year!

MilkCoin’s primary product — milk, meat and dairy products, will always be in demand for the lifetime of the project. It is an industry that is centuries old, it will help to fill the existing large gap in the Russian market, which will experience growth for generations to come.

2. MilkCoin has a large market cap for its business

Comparing the market cap in crypto is anybody’s guess. An ICO can create any arbitrary number of tokens and attach an arbitrary price to them. But MilkCoin tokens are completely based on financial models and business plans — actual value attached to an actual enterprise, with actual profit projections based on an actual market.

MilkCoin has a hard cap target of $76 million, and a soft cap of $10 million, based on actualised budgets for the equipment and construction of facilities required to run an agricultural business for 2,400 dairy cows on 3,500 hectares of cultivated land tended to by a maximum of 200 employees.

3. MilkCoin has solid business research — and is fully transparent

You can invest in a company for all the branding, marketing and hype — this is how the majority of ICOs work. They dazzle you with brilliant technology ideas, talk at global conferences and launch major marketing campaigns.

But most of them lack the real world basics that make a good business: no profits, no management and almost no market research. Just a team of ideologists and programmers.

MilkCoin has done all the real-world market research, and is in the hands of actual experts in their respective business fields — who have worked together building successful enterprises and who understand what it takes to run an agricultural enterprise.

MilkCoin has economic and retail veterans owning the company, to people who’ve actually farmed land and milked cows. They know the market prices because they’ve been a part of it. They know the plan ahead for profit, and these plans have already been inspected and approved by the Russian government. But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself:

The Business Plan, with full analysis of the milk and meat market, production plan and pricing principles.

The Appraisal Examination

Full Ownership Documentation (downloadable from website)

4. MilkCoin has a dividend distribution and buyback programme

Businesses that buy back their shares do so to increase the wealth of current and longstanding shareholders — and this is a trait of lucrative investments as it means a larger share of the company means a larger share of profits.

Because MilkCoin is primed to begin after ICOs, with all the necessary preparations and physical infrastructure ready, investors can already receive their first dividends on 1 January 2019, with quarterly payments continuing thereafter. On 1 January 2021, token buybacks will commence.

Minimum dividends from 2019 are set at 10%, while guaranteed buyback of tokens at a price increase of 20% upon expiration ensures zero-risk return on investments.

Learn more about MilkCoin

Having worked in the industry for years, we are very excited about the prospects of the MilkCoin ICO, which will launch on 15 November 2017. We invite you to follow us here on Medium for more daily insight into the project.

You can also read more, ask questions or join the discussions on the following channels:

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Participate in the largest real business Russian ICO at MilkCoin!

