MilkCoin FAQ (Part 2)

3 min readNov 11, 2017


MilkCoin FAQ (Part 2)

Dear supporters,

As we progress and more people are aware of our project, we’ve come to receive more queries from the public who now realise this is a real business with serious investment potential. We’ve decided to share some of these selected questions and answers, as always, with the same spirit of openness and transparency.

Again, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our various channels if you have a burning question to ask!

1. How do I know MilkCoin is a real business? If I invest, will I be able to view the farm and production, for example?

Yes, MilkCoin is in fact an operating enterprise. As we’ve clearly expressed, this ICO’s sole purpose is to raise the necessary additional funding that we need to expand and run a full-fledged operation. Of course, we would very much like our investors to keep abreast of operations. As a minimum, we will already do this through our quarterly reports — including financials.

Should we achieve our first funding goal of $5.7 million, the budget includes the purchase and installation of surveillance webcams at strategic locations on our premises — backers will be able to view feeds from our production process.

And of course, we will be happy to receive any visitors who wish to tour our facilities. Do get in touch first so we are prepared!

2. The business plan is impressive! What are the relationships of the other companies, namely Khokholskaya Agricultural Company, LLC and HSK?

Thank you! We put a lot of work into it as you can see, with actual research based on actual economic conditions. This is a real business, after all!

At the moment, Khokholskaya Agricultural Company is the operating company behind the diary plant project. But the main company managing the ICO is MilkCoin Est. Leichtenstein. As we have explained, there are no existing regulations governing ICOs and crypto, nor can we predict the future of that in Russia. This strategy of a foreign-holding company is simply to ensure a financing structure that keeps your investments safe.

3. I’m going to invest in the MilkCoin ICO, but I’m also interested in direct partnerships to the business. Will this be possible?

Of course! We welcome any potential partners that can facilitate our enterprise. If you are a Russian company working in the agricultural sphere, we can definitely discuss working together! Also, as an investor, you will be able to vote for company decisions in the future — including how we pursue partnerships and with whom.

4. Will we be able to see MilkCoin products in the supermarket or are you just supplying raw products? Any plans to go higher downstream in the industry?

We have very ambitious goals, as outlayed in our plans and budgets. We structured the budgets to prioritise the most important objectives and aspects of operation. Obviously, the extent to which we can operate will depend largely on the funding we can raise through the ICO.

So, to go down the product chain, we would need to raise our hard cap limit. If this is achieved, then yes, you will be able to see our products sold in some Russian supermarkets!

5. The milk and dairy product industry in Russia is underserved now and it seems self-sufficiency will not meet Russian government targets by 2020. Do you foresee this situation improving or becoming worse in the next few years? How will that affect MilkCoin?

The situation will surely improve. As we have talked about on this blog, government support is increasing through subsidies and relief, and there are more enterprises entering the market, like ourselves. However, with all due respect, it will take many years to achieve national goals of self-sufficiency, so the industry will continue to rely on farming enterprises like us for a great deal of time.

Personally, from professional experience in this industry, it will take an entire generation for Russian farmers to cover the current gap. So, that’s good news for MilkCoin!

Learn more about MilkCoin

Having worked in the industry for years, we are very excited about the prospects of the MilkCoin ICO, which will launch on 15 November 2017. We invite you to follow us here on Medium for more daily insight into the project.

You can also read more, ask questions or join the discussions on the following channels:

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Participate in the largest real business Russian ICO at MilkCoin!

